The 5 Most Accessible Careers in the Finance Sector

The professional world of finance can be very alluring due to its portrayal in the media and reported high incomes. Unfortunately, getting into the field is tough as the top jobs typically require degrees from only the most prestigious schools. Fortunately, there are several accessible finance jobs that could give someone a foot into the finance world.


Financial Planning

One type of finance job that is accessible is financial planning. Financial planners are individuals that work with consumers to help establish short-term and long-term financial goals. This can include helping to prepare for retirement, save for a home, or save for child education costs. Financial planners are normally required to find new customers, develop unique ways to help customers reach their financial goals, and learn more about new financial planning and investment techniques. 

Bank Management

Another accessible job in the finance industry is bank management. While online banking is continuing to grow in popularity, there will always be a need for brick and mortar banking solutions. One great job for finance majors would be to get into a bank management training program. This will help to establish a great career track, which could ultimately lead to being a bank manager. 

Commercial Banking

Another job that could be ideal for someone looking to get into finance is commercial bank. Commercial banking is essentially the type of banking that provides business loans to large companies and real estate organizations. Many banks hire recent college grads into an entry-level training program, which will allow them to see and learn several different types of commercial lending. Many businesses rely on these business lins of credit in order to finance business startup or operations.

Mortgage Lending

For those that would like to get into lending, but would prefer to deal with consumers, mortgage lending is a great career choice. Mortgage brokers and bankers are almost always in demand from banks, mortgage companies, and other specialty finance firms. They are typically tasked with finding new clients, underwriting deals that are in place, and staying on top of changes to mortgage regulations and laws to ensure continued compliance. 


Those that are looking for a career in finance should also consider going into insurance. The insurance industry is one of the larges in the world and is incredibly broad. Those that are interested in insurance could go into corporate underwriting, insurance sales, and commercial sales. Another benefit of the insurance agency is that it is always in demand and seems to be pretty resistant to changes in the economic cycle. 

In conclusion, getting a top finance job can be very competitive. Fortunately, there are several accessible finance jobs that could help anyone get into the industry.

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