Up next in my Spark Series is a recent friend of mine, Joe DeHart.  Side note- my Spark Series is where I interview my network of friends who are doing amazing things and share insights from their stories. Joe and I met briefly years ago through a mutual friend but it wasn’t until this past December when I stumbled upon his blog “I Chase Dreams” and fell enamored with his story. Basically he quit his full time job, sold most of his belongings and packed a backpack to travel the world while blogging about his adventures.  In doing so he hopes to inspire others and help them realize that anything is possible.  Being a fellow travel lover I messaged Joe and he invited me to pack a bag and meet up with him, so I did just that! I met up with Joe in Peru and we spent two weeks adventuring and exploring the beautiful country!  Of course, I had to interview him for my blog so on our last day in Peru while having breakfast at a cafe in the airport this is what he shared.  

What inspired you to finally make the move? 

Fear of waking up twenty years later and having not done it.  Ultimately, figuring out what makes me happy and doing that instead of what makes me money.  

How do you fund your travels?

I worked my ass off for a few years, saved money and didn’t go out drinking all the time.  Currently I travel pretty cheaply, couch surf and stay in hostels.  I’ll buy my own groceries at the local markets and make my own food.  Pretty much the same stuff you would do at home except you’re on the road.  

What has been the most challenging part of your journey thus far?

Last minute visas and flights because they can be very expensive. Also, sometimes it's difficult being an American and trying to cross the border.  

Any funny stories?

Too many to list! Between people and animal watching and long days of hiking, there’s always something funny that happens.

What has been your favorite destination thus far?

Hard to say, every time I think I have a favorite country it keeps getting one up’d by another location.  

Any advice for our readers?

Buy a ticket and then do everything else you have to do to make it happen! If you’ve bought the ticket, you’re already halfway there! 

Here are a few things that were “sparked” after spending two weeks traveling alongside with Joe.

1.  Take risks - Stop waiting for the perfect moment and just go! 

“And then there is the most dangerous risk of all — the risk of spending your life not doing what you want on the bet you can buy yourself the freedom to do it later.”— Randy Komisar

2. Live simply - You begin to realize the less you have the more rich your life becomes.  It's not about the material things that we fill our lives with, its more about experiences and memories that fill our soul.  

3.  Choose happiness - Most importantly…if money were no object what would you like to do?  How would you really enjoy spending your life?  Figure that out and don’t worry about the money. It's simple, choose a life of happiness and don't settle for less.  

Thanks for reading and special thanks to Joe for sharing his adventures in Peru with me! I’d highly encourage anyone reading this to follow along his journey.  He post some great content, takes beautiful photos and who knows he might inspire you to do something crazy like book a flight to a destination off your bucket list!  Has anyone else traveled to another country to meet up with a new friend? I'd love to hear your thoughts so feel free to comment.  

"Feeling less doubtful, even more adventurous, and inspired for my next endeavor"


PS: I almost forgot, he’s been on the road now for the past 3 months and made this epic video capturing his journey thus far...check it out below! Also below are a couple of videos I put together of some of our Adventures in Peru and our 4 Day Trek to Machu Picchu...seriously it was unreal! I’d recommend watching my videos first, then viewing his since clearly he’s the professional here.  Enjoy! 

Thanks for reading! View the original post here: http://bit.ly/SparkSeries4

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