Cena Jordan – Hairstylist | Educator | Giver | Adventure Seeker
Up next in my Spark Series is the beautiful and talented Mrs. Cena Jordan. I’ve had the pleasure of knowing Cena since high school, we both used to go to Centennial together then I transferred to Shadow Ridge and through mutual friends we reconnected again while I was in college. Cena is not only my hairdresser but a great friend of mine. She’s been doing my hair since she started her career many years ago. So I was super excited to meet with her at PublicUs over a yummy shaken almond latte!
- How did you get into your profession?
- When I was in high school my girlfriends would ask to come over to my house to help me style their hair before school. As I got older I would always look at other people’s hairstyles but I didn’t really know I had it in me. Then, when I was about 16 or 17 years old my mom had asked me to put highlights in her hair. I had no idea what I was doing but it worked and in that moment my passion was born.
- What inspires you?
- Everyday life. I feel like I have a creative mind. For example, I look at a plant and just the color and shape sparks something in my mind. I’m also really into fashion. I’ll find myself browsing through fashion magazines to get inspiration. I love to travel so another thing that helps me think outside the box is looking at different hairstyles from different countries.
- What are some of your biggest challenges?
- I’m always looking for ways to challenge myself in general. You know that feeling you get when you’re about to dive into something and you have no idea where to begin? I love that feeling and that’s one of the many reasons I love my job! I take a lot of pride in my work so if I don’t know something I want to learn how to do it. Which is why I’m addicted to taking and teaching classes. This is something I’m very passionate about. I feel like you stop being successful when you stop learning. In life, when people don’t want to learn more about a person or what they are doing, how can you get greater at what you do? People should always want to be better. This is why I became an educator at Tease Boutique Salon. The second class I ever taught, only three out of the twenty four stylist showed up. I felt so deflated I went to the bathroom and cried. I just don’t understand why people don’t want to learn.
- What are you most proud of?
- I never really realized how rough I had it growing up until recently. It was rough for me in high school, I’m surprised I didn’t fall off the bandwagon since alcoholism and bad health runs in my family. I’ve always lacked confidence and can be super sensitive. I think my mom did a good job being a single mother and raising me but I had to learn to be an adult on my own. So I’m really proud of having my head on straight. I’m not quite sure where it came from but I’m a go-getter. I’m always trying to look for something bigger and better in my career and overall in my life. It’s not easy getting into the hair industry and starting a clientele from scratch. One of my Love Languages is “Words of Affirmation”. So when I read my reviews from my clients and they say I make them feel like I’m their best friend, it puts a huge smile on my face. I’ve always wanted to naturally compliment people and I can do so now in my career. Overall, I feel so lucky and proud of who I’ve become in general and growing my business as a hairdresser.
- What makes you different from any other hair stylist?
- I just feel super lucky! I know I’m not perfect and I know there’s better hair stylist out there. For me, personality is big thing. You can be super great at something, but if you don’t know how to connect with people they won’t come back to you. Again, I’m always looking for ways to improve myself through education and training. One way I think I separate myself from other hair stylists is that every time someone sits in my chair, I give him or her a consultation. I ask them what they like or don’t like currently. I have a ton of clients who get the same thing every time but I still ask them, “what are they not liking about their hair?” So many other hair stylists will already have their product mixed up before they walk in the door. I love giving my clients an opportunity to try something new if they want to.
- I imagine you work crazy hours, how do you manage your time?
- Honestly, I don’t even know. My grandmother calls me an energizer bunny! I hadn’t sat down on my couch in eight days and when I finally did I noticed it felt really great to just relax for a second. I just feel really lucky to be busy. I won’t decline my clients but I always make an effort to be where someone has invited me, whether it be a friends gathering or a class. There are days when I go home and say “I need a break”. But I feel fortunate to be able to travel because those are my breaks and that’s how I find inspiration for my work. (Side note: Cena just returned from Europe, check out her amazing photos here)
- When are you the most happiest?
- Reading my reviews from work make me super happy. I feed off when others compliment me. I used to be super hard on myself when I didn’t receive great feedback but now I’m more comfortable in my own skin and all of my flaws. You can find me cracking jokes at work all the time. I truly am happy at work. I’m also most happy when I’m learning something hands on and I feel like I’m starting to get it.
- What do you love most about your career?
- The variety and the ability to be creative! I get to do something different everyday. Because I offer all of my clients a consultation, it’s always a surprise coming to work. Sometimes I don’t even know who I have on the schedule so I get super excited. It’s a hands on job and can be exhausting but I love to catch up with my clients and hear about their lives. I’m the best secret keeper :-)
- What’s your biggest mistake?
- One time I had a client who was originally blonde and had asked me to color her hair brown, so I did. Then she came back to me and asked for a pastel purple. I knew this color was going to be hard to get out and I even warned her but she really wanted to try it out so we colored her hair pastel purple. Eventually she was over the purple and wanted to go back to her original blonde color. As I suspected, it was very difficult to get the purple out and we ended up with a minty green color, which didn’t look half that bad. She rocked it for a couple more weeks and then returned to see me. Ultimately, we were able to get her hair back to her original blonde color. I have no idea how we came across that in between color but sometimes things like that are out of your control.
- If you could give advice to someone who is trying to find their passion, what would you say?
- Never stop learning! When you do, you stop being good. You’re cutting yourself off. I’m always looking up to people and constantly trying to find someone new to learn from. Find yourself a mentor. Also, never be afraid to express who you are, your feelings, and what you want in life. I hate when people are so prideful, it’s okay to be comfortable in your own skin and to be open about it.
- What are your future goals?
- My three year plan - I’m working on a business plan to open up my own salon one day. More than anything I want to create a cool environment. Something classy and a comfortable place to work. I love where I work now but I’m ready for that next step in my life. I still want to be a full time hair dresser while running my own shop. I’m truly passionate about this and can’t wait to see what comes of it!
In closing, here are a few things that were “sparked” after meeting with Cena:
1. “The 5 Love Languages” by Gary Chapman - I highly recommend checking out this book. It will not only teach you your love language, in addition, it’ll show you how to effectively and consistently make others feel truly loved. In chatting with Cena we discovered her love language is definitely “Words of Affirmation”. She loves receiving compliments and in return she loves complimenting others. What’s your love language?

2. A little bit of humility goes a long way - Cena has to be one of the most humble people I’ve ever met. The whole time chatting with her she was just so grateful for everything she currently has and has accomplished. Yet, she didn’t boast about it and constantly seeks improvement. Sometimes we all need that little reminder to not compare ourselves to others and be grateful for everything we do have.

3. Never stop learning - There’s just so much out there to learn and explore to further improve ourselves and others. Absorb everything you can in this lifetime and don’t be selfish, give back and teach others. Cena said it best, “You stop being successful when you stop learning.” Get out there and learn something new!

Special thanks to Cena! Thanks for always making me feel beautiful inside and out (picture below of her latest work on me). You truly are an amazing person and I can’t wait to get my hair done in your new salon one day!
“Feeling grateful to have such amazing people in my life, also loving my new “Marsala Balayage” hair color for the Fall!” - Bates

Thanks for reading! View the original post here: http://bit.ly/SparkSeries3
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