What is a modern recruiter? Someone who is honest first, knowledgeable second, consistent third, humble fourth, helpful fifth, personable sixth, and resilient seventh – of course these are equally valid in other arrangements.

Too many people who call themselves recruiters don’t take pride in their craft; aren’t continuously learning; believe they have ESP-like abilities to read a person’s body language during an interview or read between the lines of a resume; assume the job down on paper describes the real job; and recoil when asked questions about how they do their jobs. They use their mouths and ears in inverse proportions…

These are the folks who came into the profession because the barrier to entry was so low; the truly professional modern recruiter – doesn’t matter where they practice their craft in-house or out-house – believes that they didn’t find recruiting but recruiting found them.They feel a personal responsibility to steward the profession.

Excellence first, paycheck second.

Views: 879

Comment by Derdiver on April 7, 2014 at 2:42pm

Begs the conversation if there really should be a license program in order to be a recruiter.  

Comment by Pete Radloff on April 7, 2014 at 2:50pm

Derek, there certainly should. The PHR and/or SPHR are almost pre-reqs for senior level HR roles, brokers need a Series 7 or 63. In a profession where there can be lots of process divergence and questionable (?) practices, there should be. Im shocked there is no Bachelors degree in recruiting yet. That's the million dollar idea. I know it.  

Comment by Derdiver on April 7, 2014 at 2:56pm

I agree Pete. I used to not agree with the idea but without self regulation thus far we are seeing ourselves being regulated by BIG government in this country. I think it is about time. 

Comment by Keith Halperin on April 7, 2014 at 4:15pm

Personally, I LIKE the idea that we're so unregulated, the barrier to entry is so low, and there are so many folks doing this who shouldn't. Why? As the saying goes: "In the Country of the Blind, the one-eyed man is king."


Comment by Kelly Blokdijk on April 7, 2014 at 8:37pm

@Steve. Excellent! I'd just like to send all of the sub-par species to you for a stern talking to... And, when you are finished with them, you can hand them off to Sandra just in case.  

@Pete - IMHO the HR certifications simply prove someone was able to pass a test. From what I've heard, the vast majority of PHR/SPHR holders didn't become certified simply by knowing "stuff" from doing real-world stuff. They spent big bucks to purchase study materials and/or attend the issuing organization's and affiliate's profit-driving seminars and workshops until they memorized enough information. That doesn't necessarily translate to mastery of the HR body of knowledge, but that's what those letters seem to signify. 

Not sure if that's the case in other industries. 

Comment by Pete Radloff on April 8, 2014 at 12:49am

Agreed, I was using it more for point counter point. Not the best example. Series 7 or 63 maybe? :)

Comment by Steve Levy on April 8, 2014 at 8:17am

All- When I think of certification or licensing, I think of Driver's Licenses: Folks still do the dumbest things behind the wheel of a car. What I've found in all these years recruiting - and in talking about the profession with each of you (Keith, I'm SURE we've spoken some time in the past) - is that no no amount of recruiter certification will improve the product: seriously, have the SHRM certs "improved" HR performance? Is the average "HR Professional" and more competent as a recruiter than the average "Recruiting Professional"?

Don't give me certifications, give me performance...

Comment by Sandra McCartt on April 8, 2014 at 11:36am
Certifications and degrees don't mean squat. If I had a nickel for every resume I have seen from failed brokers with all their series licensure I would never have to work again. I would much rather see a candidate for a recruiter spot who had some proven business success in retail management, sales, anything that has put them in a position of dealing with people. Restaurant management as strange as it may sound is a good background. Working with people who buy at the same time managing and scheduling a staff.

In my opinion no matter how bright or educated a kid is they can't perform if they don't understand what they hear from either a client or a candidate. Key words do not a recruiter make.
Comment by Pete Radloff on April 8, 2014 at 11:43am

I agree with you all, and I think I was a bit misguided in my comment. I was thinking more of training for recruiters - a la AIRS, etc. while all the CIR, CSSR, CDR alphabet soup in the world doesnt mean diddly, they are good foundations that can be applied immediately.  I just wish they were more affordable than they currently are priced. I think alot of companies shy away because of price (or not wanting to make the investment in recruiting). Great points all.  

Comment by Steve Levy on April 8, 2014 at 11:56am

@Sandra- nor does telling someone you "love" their resume...

@Pete - if I had a nickel for every AIRS certified recruiter/sourcer who lacked the common sense to think beyond the Boolean. I'll give you my "best" search strings and it's highly likely you won't get "them" to respond; I will. It's like (I'm sure Sandra will like this one) guns: Guns don't kill people, people kill people.


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