have you ever looked in the mirror and been surprised at what looked back at you? Happened to me this evening, and I"m not even sure why.

I looked in the mirror and was surprised that I wasn't the young 18 year old, full of verve and confidence looking back at me. It was a fatter, hairier, older variety. It was weird. Strangely unexpected.

What happened to that 18 year old? (I do sometimes joke that I ate him) The good news is, nothing.. just got older.

I remember me at 18, I was full of confidence at what life was going to have in store for me. I'd met a girl, I'd told my Dad and mates that I was going to marry. I did. I'd had plans to travel overseas and settle down, with a career, kids and a nice car by 30 (which of course seemed a lifetime away). I was lucky, or I worked hard, or was pushed at the right time by the right people.. Maybe d) all of the above. But I achieved all this.

Funny thing happened though... I got to 30, I couldn't figure out what goals to have again. Life was comfortable, job was cool, kids started to multiply, 1 doubled to 2, and now 2 is almost 3, house is getting smaller and being comfortable isn't too bad really.

But here I am on the downward slope to 40, kids are starting school (apart from 3.0 who is yet to arrive) and that internal 18 year old is thinking again, ideas and optimism are back, goals are rearing their ugly head again. Look out world, here comes the oldest 18 year old.

Views: 135

Comment by Linda Ferrante on February 25, 2010 at 11:19am
I'm so right with you on this one! Real life does happen, but I'm still that wide eyed youngster who was ready to take on the world! This time around, however, I have more wisdom, more confidence and more direction than before. Combine that with the passion of an 18 year old and look out!
PS. Downward slope to 40? No way! It continues to get better from there!
Comment by Charles Van Heerden on February 25, 2010 at 6:39pm
Hi Dan, I wonder if it part of our human makeup to see ourselves as younger, except of course when we get up in the morning and feel the real age hitting us. I agree we need to retain the child in us to be alive with ideas, rather than the cynical attitude of "having seen this movie previously". Hopefully your kids will help to keep you young!
Comment by Margo Rose on February 25, 2010 at 10:59pm
Beautiful post dearie. Gaging by my outlandish outbursts on hrhappyhour, I estimate I'm about 16 emotionally...I never want to lose my youthful spirit, my zest for life, and my tireless passion for steward leadership.


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