The first reason that you recruit is to solve an immediate need. The hiring manager recognizes a need, a strategic change, or some deficit that is preventing the business from achieving an objective. He or she comes to HR or recruiting and says you need to find me this. Whether you are patching, growing, or replacing there is an immediate need that you have to take care of.

The second reason you recruit is to build a better business, a great business. You have a vision for the business, what you want it to be, what it can accomplish. It takes great people to run a business that accomplishes great things. People who care, who take initiative, who work hard, and have great skills to put things in motion and make them work.

Recruiting for the first reason is different than recruiting for the second. The focus is different. You can solve an immediate need without building a great team that will make a business great. Or, you can constantly pursue great people filling immediate needs with them as often as you can.

Todd Kmiec

Views: 182

Comment by Beth Hudson on December 13, 2017 at 7:39pm

Great point. Do you think it's possible to have both reasons in mind? It will always be to fill a seat, but if you want long-term, dedicated, employees that mesh with your vision for the company's future, you have to consider the second reasoning. Geckoboard does both in this example, I think:


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