The Secret Acronym Language of Staffing!!!!

So like all vocations and companies, staffing has their own language of sorts. Most of it revolves around acronyms and abbreviations. I know in the US Army alone they have a "book of Acronyms". Actually more like a set of books, in that the "book" is composed of 28 books each book being 400+ pages of acronyms.


Well the Staffing one is not that big. Today I am going to state what some of the more common acronyms stands for. For a definition, simple put the following string in your search engine: define XXX were X equals what the acronym stands for, example define “Affirmative Action”, you will get: " Affirmative Action- program to stop discrimination: a policy or program aimed at countering discrimination against minorities and women, especially in employment and education."This will work with most of the acronyms.


On to the acronyms!


AA- Affirmative Action

AAP- Affirmative Action Plan

ACIR- Advanced Certified Internet Recruiter

ADA- Americans with Disabilities ACT

ADEA- Age Discrimination Employment ACT

AIRS-Advance Internet Recruiting Strategy

AM- Account Manager

AMR- Account Management Recruiter

ASA- Addition by Subtraction by Addition (See my blogs)

ASA- American Staffing Association

ASK- Abilities, Skills and Knowledge

ATS- Applicant Tracking System

BFOQs- Bona Fide Occupational Qualifications

BIO- Biography

BQs- Basic Qualifications

BTOS- Business, Targeted, Open Door, Sequential Interviewing system (See my blogs)

Cand- Candidate

CBT- Computer Based Training

CDR- Certified Diversity Recruiter

CERS- Certified Employee Retention Specialist

CGR- Candidate Generation Recruiter

CIR- Certified Internet Recruiter

Comp- Compensation

CPC- Certified Personnel Consultant

CPRW- Certified Professional Résumé Writer

CSP- Certified Staffing Professional

CSSR- Certified Social Sourcing Certification

CTS- Certified Temporary-Staffing Specialists

CV- Curriculum Vitae

DOL- Department of Labor

ECRE- Elite Certified Recruitment Expert

EEO- Equal Employment Opportunity

EPA- Equal Pay Act

ER- Employee Referral

GPHR- Global Professional In Human Resources

HM- Hiring Manager

HMCS- Hiring Manager Closer to Staffing (See my blogs)

HR- Human Resources

HRIS- Human Resources Information System

Int- Interview

ITSM- Information Technology Staffing Management

JD- Job Description

KPI- Key Performance Indicators

KSAOs- Knowledge, Skills, Ability and Other Characteristics

KSAs- Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities

KSI- Key Success Indicators

MBO- Management by Objectives

NAPS- National Association of Personnel Services

NCRW- Nationally Certified Resume Writer

NHSA- National Healthcare Staffing Association


NWRA - Northwest Recruiters Association

OFCCP- Office of Federal Contract Compliance Program

PARWCC- Professional Association of Résumé Writers & Career Coaches

PDA- Pregnancy Discrimination Act

PHR- Professional In Human Resources

PRC- Physician Recruiting Consultant

PRC- Professional Recruiter Certification

relo- relocation

Res- Resume

RR or Req review - Requirements Review- a review of a soon to be open headcount


SAT - Systems Approach to Training

SC - Staffing Consultant

SEO- Search Engine Optimization

SHRM- Society for Human Resource Management

SLA-Service Level Agreement

SMS- Social Media Staffing or Web2.0

SP- Staffing Professional

SPHR- Senior Professional In Human Resources

STL- Staffing Thought Leader

Tech or Tech screen- a technical interview.

TS- Talent Sourcer

TSC- Technical Services Certified

TSO- Total Staffing Optimization (See my blogs)

UGESP- Uniformed Guidelines of Employee Selection Procedures

URM- Underrepresented Minority



Of course there are allot more, these are just some of the common ones.


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