The strategic manager as a leader- a conversation in laymen’s terms

I regularly have conversations with folk who say there are so many “philosophies and books” its hard to figure out in simple terms what it all means.

The Number One goal: Is to ensure the achievement of business goals through the personal development and full endeavors of teams and individuals!


Key questions

 1. What are the major challenges they will come across?


  1. Increased customer choice.
  2. Globalization and consolidation at all levels of the business.
  3. Diverse product and service choice and delivery.
  4. Differing needs and demands of the workforce and workplace.
  5. Continual need for changing mental models and leadership skill sets.

2. How can they respond?

  1. Ensure they have processes in place that add value/are effective and there are as few as possible.
  2. They know when to lead and when to follow.
  3. They listen to the voices of their business.
  4. They focus on people first and “ know” that process and tools and techniques will achieve little without the minds of those that use them.
  5. Continual assess their mental models and leadership skill sets.


3. How are the skills identified to match these requirements?

  1. Communicate your business vision and mission and the road map.
  2. Consult, include, listen and ask your employees what skills they and the business need to achieve success.


4. Organize your business for the business in hand.

  1. Develop, devolve, design, deploy, decentralize, define your structure and organize the way you manage and “layer” the business structure.
  2. Remember that speed, trust, reputation and delivery are essential.


5. And then.

  1. Introduce the need for ever increasing adaption and nimbleness.
  2. Develop leaders from your followers.
  3. Re -think structure and strategy continually.
  4. Continually develop the talent.
  5. Always know when it is time to stop learning and start doing.
  6. Constantly challenge everything.
  7. Constantly include your employees.

And then : Remember, you lead because they want to follow, they also have choices!

Views: 222


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