It had to happen one day.
It’s probably happened before and I’m sure this sorry story will be repeated many times in different forms until recruiters finally understand the power of social media, and it’s use for informing and engaging not just name gathering.
This week it happened to a recruiter I know…
The Scene:
Candidate has an interview for an interim role with Company XXX. The interview goes well, and candidate is asked if they have any other interviews. Candidate says no interviews with companies, only agencies. Company XXX offers Candidate the job, a 6 month contract to start next Monday. Candidate says YES!
The Action:
Candidate goes home and logs in to their Twitter account. Candidate tweets to followers:
Got offer from Company XXX, hope to get one from Company YYY tomorrow. Exciting times.
Company XXX have people who monitor their mentions on Social Media. They see the tweet and pass to HR.
The Denouement:
Offer is withdrawn.
The Lessons:
1) Recruiters…Get on Twitter! Find out if your candidates (and clients for that matter) are on Twitter too. If they are, follow them and engage with them. You need to know what’s going on.
2) Candidates…If you are going to tweet about your interviews, and name the companies involved, expect your tweets to be read by both the company and the recruiter (in-house or 3rd party) because they need to know what’s going on.
3) Clients…Be prepared for people to share their experiences of you on social media. In this case the client found out something that enabled them to act quickly. That may not always be the case. You need to know what’s going on.
The Moral:
Get on Twitter, or any Social Media! You need to know what’s going on.
Anyone experienced anything similar?
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