Caucasian hand refuses a flower or declines a gift isolated on white background

Your interview went great, and you really wowed the hiring manager. Regardless of the industry you’re interviewing in, a follow-up letter is always recommended.

Could you accidentally blow your chances with one of these follow-up faux pas? Not after this blog post.

We've got three post-interview mistakes not to make that you must read before your next interview. Combined with our advice on how to follow-up after a job interview, you’re sure to impress the hiring manager.

Failing to sell yourself in the thank you note - Too many job seekers see the thank you note as a perfunctory task, and only thank the interviewers for their time. The thank you note gives you one last chance to address anything that came up in the interview, affirm your interest in the job and say thank you. If you're not hitting all three of these objectives, you're missing out.

Forgetting or misspelling names - If a hiring committee interviewed you, you may have hastily jotted down names during or after the interview. Do not assume that you spelled names correctly. Putting the wrong name on the thank you, or spelling the name incorrectly, can turn off the individuals you worked so hard to impress. Don't be afraid to ask for business cards during your interview. LinkedIn is also a great tool for researching professional contacts; use it to double-check the names of those who interviewed you before you compose your note.

Sending a gift - Some job seekers get too overzealous and send a thank you gift as a way to stand out. Do not do this, as it risks sending the wrong message to employers and can work against you by ruining the otherwise good impression that you made.

For career opportunities you can be thankful for, visit our Career Portal.

For more job-seeking faux pas to avoid, make sure you subscribe to our blog and follow us on FacebookLinkedInTwitter and Google+.

Views: 799

Comment by Daniel Fogel on July 23, 2015 at 5:04pm

Thanks for the post Recruiting Raya!  What's the weirdest thing that a candidate has ever sent you as a gift post interview?

Comment by Recruiter Raya on July 23, 2015 at 5:13pm

I once received a decorative potpourri/candle thing. It smelled like lavender. ~Very~ lavender.

Comment by Daniel Fogel on July 23, 2015 at 5:16pm

Lol.  Good to know.  I probably would have gone lemon-basil... 

Comment by Recruiter Raya on July 23, 2015 at 5:19pm

lol! I know a person who received a giant cookies as big as a pizza - do you remember those?

Comment by Daniel Fogel on July 23, 2015 at 5:37pm

Ahh the cookie cake.  A classic.  I had a candidate show up with a dozen donuts for an interview.  I don't think the rest of the office minded though...

Comment by Recruiter Raya on July 23, 2015 at 5:59pm

Can't fault the guy for college-kid logic: win them over with food.


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