Top 10 mistakes business makes in recruitment

1) Resume only rejection based recruitment
2) Prior and Lack of investigation into the actual role needed
3) limited or poorly written Job descriptions and Qualifications ( poorly written, Not relevant, poorly understood, generic, written by hiring manager, not accurate. too specific or too general...)
4) Thinking for today need vs. future need (box A needs candidate A, when a Candidate B has done it plus has C and D)
5) Hiring people "like themselves" vs. people qualified with competencies to achieve more.
6) Ill equipped or ill trained interviewers
7) A lengthy decision making process or indecisiveness
8) Having interviewers, candidates or applicant's work prior to hiring
9) Not being responsive, respectful or grateful or being misleading, inconsiderate
10) Doing what everyone else is doing instead of what is right for your company, culture or candidate.

Views: 161

Comment by Shawn Olsen on September 7, 2010 at 9:36am
#7 has always been my difficulty...
Comment by Chris Brablc on September 7, 2010 at 12:07pm
Susan, great list!

I'd add "Knowing where their best applicants are coming from".

Companies need to collect recruitment metrics so that they know what recruiting channels are performing the best for them (job boards, social networks, referrals, etc.) so that they can repeat what works best going forward.


Comment by Jonathan Moses Egalal on September 10, 2010 at 9:12am
I apprecaite all the idears however, recruiters always try fighting each other for bid of who should take up the contract yet some of the ill minded recruiters normally do that for subotage of other recruiters,it has been summed up well.Also in due course of that competition un qualified candidates are given opportinities by vatue of rushing to fullfill and to catch up with the required time.


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