Discover the proven research-based benefits of using a modern recruitment software!

Are you using a recruitment software?

Using a recruitment software has many benefits. Some of the most commonly cited are the following:

  • Increased efficiency
  • Time saving
  • Cost saving
  • Improved reporting
  • Higher quality of hire
  • Reduced IT department’s  involvement
  • Reduced marketing department’s involvement.

In short, a recruitment software should help you find the best hires, in the shortest amount of time, for the least amount of money. It will also enable you to own the whole recruiting process, without depending on your marketing and IT department.

It sounds perfect, right? But is it really like that in practice? Let’s take a look at the data and find out!

Recruitment software statistics you need to know

Here is a list of the top 5 proven, research-based recruitment software statistics you need to know:

Statistic #1: A majority of companies use an applicant tracking system (ATS)

A research Capterra conducted has shown that:

  • 75% of recruiters use a recruiting or applicant tracking software.

Statistic #2: Almost all best-in class companies use a recruitment software

According to finding from Jobscan's research:

  • Over 98% of fortune 500 companies use a recruitment software

Statistic #3: Using a recruitment software has positive impact on hiring

According to Capterra’s research:

  • 94% of recruiters and hiring professionals say their using a recruitment software has positively impacted their hiring process.

Statistic #4: Recruitment software improves time to hire

GettApp’s research has found that:

  • 86% of recruiting professionals say that using a recruitment software has helped them hire faster.

Statistic #5: Recruitment software improves the quality of hire

GettApp’s research findings show that:

  • 78% of recruiters say that using an ATS has improved the quality of candidates they hire.

Looking for a better recruitment software?

A great recruitment software will help you achieve your recruitment goals and turn your everyday problems into opportunities. If your current recruitment software isn’t doing its job, you should think about finding the one that will.

In our guide “How to Evaluate and Choose the Best Recruiting Tool” you’ll learn exactly how to compare, evaluate and choose the best recruiting tool that will perfectly fit your hiring needs and your budget.

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