I'm wondering what different agency commission plans look like. Do you have to meet metrics to be eligible for commission?
My metrics are based upon interviews, reference checks, send outs, interviews, and of course placements.
Is it pretty typical for a recruiter to not receive commission for the first year of work even if their placement goals are met?
No, it's not at all typical. Commissions are based on placements made, not on metrics. You may be bonused on metrics, but that's something extra. Recruiters usually will start seeing commission checks by about the six month mark, depending on the size of their draw, or base. Depending on how well you bill of course too, you may see commission sooner or later. But, you surely should have seen some before the year mark.
placements is the #1 metric that matters and is really the only thing you should get commission for. If you're NOT making placements, then it's time to look at the rest of that activity. You should have a handle on that, and know how many calls - screens - submittals - interviews it takes to get to a placement, but beyond that placement is all that matters. I agree with these ladies - 6 months is a reasonable target.
Sorry ladies - but I must be true to my personal brand and disagree with some of this. Metrics most certainly are important (not that any of you dismissed them entirely) and should absolutely be one of the items one is "incentivised" toward in the beginning of their career.
Early on (let's say the first 6 months or so) the LAST thing you want to be focues on is the placement. A new recruiter needs to master the pieces and parts of the placement. Only THEN can you begin to master the placement itself.
New recruiters should be paid for sendouts and job orders as well. Without sendouts and job orders - you've got nothing. You'll never get to the holy grail.
Perhaps I'm way out of touch - but new recruiters shooting for the stars from day one is not the best option.
But I'm drifiting. What was the question???
ok Jer I'll take that... IF Cristina (or the recruiter in question) is brand new to the industry. I can see paying on activity as incentive to learn the basics. Since Cristina has been in this job nearly a year, is paying for her desk, and yet isn't seeing commission because (in part) she hasn't checked enough references? As an agency owner do you find this in any way a sensible way to do business / retain top performers?
Where are you getting this "no pay without reference checks" stuff? Is that in another discussion? If so - I've missed it.
So my reply was not addressing a recruiter not being paid commission if they did not complete enough references. That alone would lead me to believe the owner/manager had a few screws loose - and needed to come up with more money than they deserved. Knowing what I know about agencies, owners and control freaks, I'd have to suggest making a move.
But to Sandra's point - learning to make sendouts, and the activity you need to keep up - is a far cry from counting alligators or painting on them. That analagy doesn't quite relate to mastering the basics of our profession. But nice try. :)
Oops. I missed that whole thing. I've been so busy doing sendouts - I've barely got time to read anything.
Please diregard most of what I've said (other than the stuff that made you think "Wow - that guy is right on!".
LOL we love you Jer. You are right - metrics (in the sense that recruiters have to know what they're doing and what needs to get done to make placements) are important. If we're understanding Cristina correctly, she's making placements, more than paying for her desk, but not getting commission because she hasn't hit metrics targets (like reference checks, send outs, etc.)
Cristina - correct me if I got that wrong, but I think the consensus is 1. Metrics (send outs) matter, 2. you should be compensated / commissioned based on making placements (and making $ for the agency) and 3. (and this is my opinion alone) you work for a miserly wacko who's keeping your money. :)
But what do I know, I'm a corporate recruiter... :)
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