Cristina Lewis's Blog (15)

High Volume, Multi-State Warehouse and Retail Recruiting

Hi All,

I have been with a distribution company for about 3 months now and am looking for more effective ways to recruit for retail and warehouse positions for various locations throughout the West Coast. Recruiting for entry-level positions just isn't what it used to be. Screening candidates one-by-one just does not seem to be effective enough so I am looking at other options. I would hold panel interviews/job fairs but I am in the corporate office and our locations are all over the…


Added by Cristina Lewis on November 8, 2017 at 7:00pm — No Comments

Corporate Recruiting Interview Advice

Hi everyone, 

For those of you who read my previous blog post, I asked for advice on how to interview for a corporate job. I am an agency recruiter who wants to transition into corporate recruiting. For a recent job opportunity, I passed the phone interview but I guess I did not do too well during the face-to-face interview (I did not get a call back for a third…


Added by Cristina Lewis on February 22, 2016 at 1:30pm — 6 Comments

Preparing an Agency Recruiter for a Corporate Recruiter Interview

Hi all, 

It's been a while since I have posted here. I thought this blog would be the best resource to ask this question. I've been an agency recruiter for almost 4 years now and I am becoming a bit more proactive about finding a corporate job (this has always been my ultimate goal). I know there are some major differences between the agency and corporate world and I…


Added by Cristina Lewis on January 15, 2016 at 12:00pm — 5 Comments

Need advice on recruiting unemployed candidates for short-term temporary assignments (I am in California)

I have had a reoccurring issue with recruiting unemployed candidates for temporary positions because most candidates state that these assignments will interrupt their unemployment benefits. Obviously, they will not collect unemployment for the duration of their temporary assignment; however they should be able to resume their benefits once their temporary assignment is complete. Is there a resource, or any literature that I can refer concerned candidates to in order to assure them they will…


Added by Cristina Lewis on March 4, 2014 at 12:30pm — 5 Comments

Hi HR/Corporate Recruiter! It's Me, the "Different Agency Recruiter"?

Hello again, everyone! Since the last discusson was very informative, I want to pick the brains of corporate recruiters now. Since I am an agency recruiter and new to client development, I want to know the opinions of recruiters on "the other side" of the game.

I know HR and corporate recruiters are tired of being approached by one agency after another saying that they are "different" and can provide some sort of magical recruiting service that the rest cannot. When I call HR and…


Added by Cristina Lewis on May 23, 2013 at 7:30pm — 25 Comments

Why Did My Potential Client Disappear?

Hi everyone! So, I just started a new job in April with a GREAT firm. I am now responsible for working both sides of the desk. This is my first experience with client development, so I wanted some helpful tips. I met a director of HR for a local company at a professional networking event. She told me she was looking for a corporate recruiter that has experience specific to the industry she works in. Within a day, I found her an AMAZING candidate (name blocked out of course because at that…


Added by Cristina Lewis on May 21, 2013 at 10:15am — 30 Comments

What do Your Commission Plans and Metrics Look Like?

I'm wondering what different agency commission plans look like. Do you have to meet metrics to be eligible for commission? 

My metrics are based upon interviews, reference checks, send outs, interviews, and of course placements. 

Is it pretty typical for a recruiter to not receive commission for the first year of work even if their placement goals are met?

Added by Cristina Lewis on March 9, 2013 at 1:30am — 12 Comments

Bullhorn for Mac?

I have a Macbook and I cannot access bullhorn. Anyone ever have this same situation? Is there a way to access BH on a Mac?

Added by Cristina Lewis on March 6, 2013 at 10:54pm — 2 Comments

Why do the good ones disappear???

Okay, so I'm starting to notice a trend. Why do my DIRECT FITS and GOLD candidates disappear on me? I interview them, they agree to have an interview set up with the client, I schedule the interview with the client, and POOF they are gone? I have developed rapport with the candidate, expressed the "open communication" thing, so why does this only happen with the GREAT candidates? :( Help!

Added by Cristina Lewis on February 28, 2013 at 10:08pm — 12 Comments

Grad school, or not to grad school? That is the question!

Hi everyone, 

I am in agency recruiting and am contemplating grad school. I was thinking of getting a Master's in Human Resource Management. Do you think it's worth the investment? I know since I am an "agency recruiter" I am not considered "HR" but I think learning about employment laws/benefits/etc. may benefit. Thoughts?

Added by Cristina Lewis on November 7, 2012 at 11:30pm — 1 Comment

Which graduate degree works best for our field?

I am contemplating grad school for next year. I am stumped on which major would be most beneficial to me in this career. I am just starting out as a recruiter (agency). I was thinking Human Resource Management, even though I know my job is not "HR" and more of a sales profession. I feel knowing more about HR would help me as a recruiter in general, whether I stay as an agency recruiter, or eventually go on to being a corporate recruiter. Any thoughts on this? Anyone with a Master's Degree?…


Added by Cristina Lewis on October 30, 2012 at 1:27am — No Comments

Anyone out there do agency recruiting for administrative healthcare?

I have been given the task of locating medical coders, specifically. The coders my agency wants are of course certified with 3+ years of experience. I am finding them, but not enough that is expected of me. I feel I have maximized the resources we have in our system, so I started cold calling into hospitals in my area (with not too much luck) to add to our database. I also tried to get into seminars that these coders attend to network, however they are all during the week when I am in the…


Added by Cristina Lewis on August 30, 2012 at 10:24am — No Comments

What is the difference between corporate and agency recruiting?

I am new to this field and would like to know a little about everyone's experience as both a corporate recruiter and as an agency recruiter.

Added by Cristina Lewis on August 16, 2012 at 3:42pm — 23 Comments

Placing Difficult Job Orders

I wanted to reach out to you all to get some advice on filling a difficult job order. I am a new recruiter in the healthcare field (placing admin. jobs), so I am trying to develop my sourcing skills at this time. I feel I have maximized all of my efforts in locating the qualified candidates in our internal system. I have posted on my own personal Facebook page (as I know many people in this particular field) as well as my LinkedIn account. No luck. I've also tried to get referrals from tons…


Added by Cristina Lewis on June 28, 2012 at 3:46pm — 8 Comments

Advice to a New Recruiter

Good morning all,


I am a new grad who has been trying to break into the recruiting world for a while. What advice would you give to a person who is new to the recruiting field? I have been doing quite a lot of research, but I would like tips from different people who have been in the industry for a while. Thank you in advance!

Added by Cristina Lewis on May 8, 2012 at 12:31pm — 18 Comments


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