When Santa Feels Rotten, This is What He Does...

On behalf of my good buddy Tommy Houran over at WirelessHires.com, I'm reposting a note from the WirelessHires Group on LinkedIn that tells Recruiters how to get a free job posting between now and Jan. 10th.  Consider it Tommy's Christmas present to the Recruiting community.


Here's a link to the post:  http://tinyurl.com/WhatSantaDoes

But you'll need to login to Linkedin first - in case you aren't a member of the WirelessHires.com Group, I've pasted the text below so you can get your hands on the discount code for the free job posting.  Here ya go! 

What Santa Feels Rotten, This is What He Does: 

He gives away FREE stuff!

So to keep the Grinch at bay, I'm doing my part for the wireless geeks out there who need some top-level reading material one day before Christmas. And, for the Recruiters out there, we've got something even better.

Today through January 10th, we're giving away one (1) FREE Job Posting per member, to the entire Recruiting community! It’s simple: just click the link below and use this discount code when checking out: ‘wirexmas’ ~ then, snag your job posting and put that $150 back in your pocket (here’s the link):


And if you’d like to start the New Year as a WirelessHires.com ‘Featured Employer,’ now’s the time to raise your hand! Click this link for details:


Now, for the technically-savvy, we have five (5) new FREE resources to share the Holiday <3. Just grab an egg nog, click, download, and read!

1) Video is HUGE (the understatement of the holiday):
You can’t afford to sit on this one. This white paper discusses the approaches to creating a scalable, intelligent, distributed video infrastructure to support the requirements of today’s video-enabled organizations.
Click Here: http://tinyurl.com/videoenabledorg

2) Revitalizing Healthcare Delivery with Mobile Communications (Part 1)
In < 3 minutes, 35 seconds you can pour over this white paper which examines the ways that wireless technology and mobile communications enhance the efficiency and quality of institutional healthcare.
Click Here: http://tinyurl.com/hcarewirelesscomm

3) Secure Smartphone Apps: The Next Generation
Have you been naughty or nice? It’s a secret, right? But this is no secret: Smartphone’s are taking over the corporate world and making employees more productive. But what kind of risk are they posing to your corporate network? Don’t be naughty ... …RESPECT the network!
Click Here: http://tinyurl.com/sphoneapps-nextgen

4) CIO’s Guide to Mobile Apps
On a playing field where wireless solutions are no longer about gaining an edge, but about keeping up with the competition, Mobile Apps are King! Download this white paper and learn how to build a business case for an enterprise wide mobile workforce.
Click Here: http://tinyurl.com/mobileappsBB

5). 163 Companies Can’t Be Wrong! (or can they):
Multi-Site/Campus-Area Wireless LANs (Best Practices)
This research study investigates industry best practices for multi-site and campus-area Wireless LANs (WLANs), based on a recent survey of 163 organizations. Get your hands on the facts!
Click Here: http://tinyurl.com/wirelesslans163

I hope you enjoy the freebies!

On behalf of Tommy Houran and the rest of the WirelessHires.com crew,
here’s wishing everyone a happy, safe, and productive Holiday Season!

And stay tuned - 2011 is going to be incredible.


Mitch Mayers
Moderator and Wireless Recruiter

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