As your graduation date approaches, you may be eager to begin your new career as a graphic designer. For the last few years, you may have dreamed about working for a major advertising or marketing firm. However, you may increasingly be realizing how competitive the job market is, and you may even be getting discouraged about your lack of ability to secure a job yet in your field. While graphic designers may commonly work for advertising and marketing firms, this is not the only possibility available to you. When you think outside the box at some of these more unique job ideas, you may be able to more easily find a great position in your field.
Some advertising and marketing firms offer digital media design positions, but there are independent firms that cater specifically to this niche. In addition, some companies, such as software design companies, offer these positions. When you search online for job openings, look for position titles rather than openings with specific types of companies.
Typographic design is a specialized area of graphic design that many people overlook. Typography is critical in many types of marketing, website design and more because it impacts how legible the content is and how eye-catching or memorable is it. This type of design activity relates to font style, size, color and more, and it can be an exciting niche for you to specialize in.
Rather than venture into direct marketing and advertising, you could focus on website graphic design. Website designers typically use programming languages to create the structure of a website, add shopping carts and more. However, websites need to be visually appealing, and this is where a graphic design artist comes into the picture. The graphic designer may work closely with the website designer to create a collaborative website for the client.
While digital media is overwhelmingly popular, print continues to be used. This may include signage, logos, business cards, brochures and more. The opportunities for positions in this niche may include things as specific as a logo design firm, a real estate sign printing company that offers in-house design services, and more.
As you can see, there are many niches that graphic designers can specialize in. These are only some of the many ideas to consider as you look for your first job in your field. Remember that you may also find more opportunities if you expand your search to different markets.
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