This is a recent question I am seeing asked of my candidates. I see multiple ways of answering this and this appears to be a new twist on "What are your weaknesses?". What are your thoughts on the best response to this?



Views: 10210

Comment by Paul Alfred on March 8, 2010 at 11:02am
I think the question what are your weaknesses is totally different than "why should we not hire you?" I am not sure why I would apply for a job to tell a company why they should not hire me? Its' assumed that all candidates have weaknesses - the question is can you sell me on hiring you despite them....
Comment by David King on March 9, 2010 at 12:58pm
This question, "Why should we not hire you?", on its face seems totally inappropriate. It is extraordinarily negative and oozes with cynicism.

I have been asked this type of question by someone requesting reference information for a personal contact. I had a field-day with that screener..."I'm sorry, I don't understand the thrust of your question (totally deadpan and dismissive)." It got worse, but to spare the details, I'm certain that screener won’t pose that question any time soon, and certainly not to me again. Why would any hiring manager who is seriously engaged in a hiring process (and presumably pressed for time) utilize such an absurd question? Further, why would any candidate, who is seriously seeking an opportunity, take this kind of bait?

"Dear Candidate, please self-sabotage your job prospect at this time..."

It seems to me, the best approach is the direct approach. I'd be inclined to encourage my candidates, if asked this question, to respond that they are only there and prepared to discuss their reasons for being hired. Anything else, in all honesty, would be a waste of precious time.
Comment by Paul Alfred on March 9, 2010 at 2:16pm
David I totally agree ....

Comment by David King on March 9, 2010 at 2:32pm
To answer Derek's question more directly...

Interviewer: "Why should we not hire you?"

Candidate: "Excuse me, I understood this meeting was to discuss my QUALIFICATIONS; was I mistaken?"
Comment by Sandra McCartt on March 10, 2010 at 11:35am
There is never a reason to be combative in an interview if you have any savy at all. Any question is an opportunity to self promote. If i were asked that question i would answer it this way.

You should not hire me if you are looking for someone who shows up at 8:05 and is ready to leave at 4:50. I come early and stay late to be sure i have put in a full productive day.

You should not hire me if you are looking for someone who will sit in the corner and do the minimum required of them. I will take on more than required and want to be involved in the success of the big picture not just a drop shipper of what is on my desk.

You should not hire me if you are looking for a drone who will be happy to stay in the same job for the next 20 years. I am looking for a place where i can advance as my ability to contribute grows.

You should not hire me if you are looking for someone who needs extensive training to be able to do the job we have discussed. I have a proven track record of hitting deadlines, providing good quality deliverables, making my team look good and supporting my supervisor. I believe i can hit the ground running with your company which my references will support.

I think you should hire me because i was able to answer that question honestly.
Comment by Paul Alfred on March 10, 2010 at 11:48am
I like it Sandra ... Always Selling ... !
Comment by Sandra McCartt on March 10, 2010 at 12:03pm
That my friend is what recruiting and interviewing and getting hired is all about no matter what you want to call it or how you want to package it. :)
Comment by Paul Alfred on March 10, 2010 at 12:08pm
We might have been taught by the same masters ... ;-)


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