Why Welders are Better off Belonging to a Workers Union

Welding jobs can be very lucrative, with good pay and benefits. One way to be sure you are getting the most benefit from your welding education is to belong to a welding union. Some people mistakenly believe that unions are a holdover from the past, with no real benefits for today’s workers. Nothing could be further from the truth. While unions have been vital in the past for ensuring worker’s safety and fair treatment, they are just as important today. There are many benefits to belonging to a worker’s union.

Improved Job Security

The union is responsible for negotiating legal issues regarding employment. This means that the employer cannot fire you without a specific reason, known as “just cause”. Even in cases where the employer may have a specific, verifiable reason for the firing, you are entitled to go through the grievance process before the firing can proceed. During the grievance process, you, along with the employer, will be permitted to make a statement. Because of the improved job security provided by having the union on your side, you can comfortably speak out on issues in the workplace without fear of retaliation. This typically creates a friendlier and safer work environment for everyone.

Better Pay

Individuals who belong to worker’s unions typically make over 25 percent more than non-unionized workers. While you will have to pay union dues from each paycheck, the increase in income more than makes up for the difference.

Improved Career Options

Having experience working for union shops is an asset on your resume. Qualifying for a union job lets employers know that your work meets high standards. Welding contractor union recruitment means that you will have the inside track on new jobs as they become available.

Excellent Benefit Package

Salary is only one part of your compensation package. Union employees are more likely to have health benefits through their job, and the packages are more likely to be affordable than in non-union jobs. Union workers are also more likely to have quality pension plans. While these benefits may not seem important as a young, single employee, they become much more vital as you age and have a family.

Available Paid Leave

Union jobs typically offer more paid leave than non-union jobs. This is a tremendous benefit for welders and others who have physical jobs. The extra time off allows you to recover from your work and spend quality time with loved ones.

As you can see, there are many benefits to working for a union. A union is set in place to provide safeguard and protection for its workers. Union shops typically offer higher pay with better benefits and a better quality of life.

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