There could be any number of reasons why someone looks at your LinkedIn profile and why your profile shows up in a search.
A few possibilities include:
1) Nosy lookie-loos just curious about what you have going on.
2) You’ve changed something on your profile and it shows in their timeline, so they click to see the “news.”
3) A certain word or series of words exists on your profile when someone does a search.
4) People who are unsure about how to build their own profile are checking out what other people have done.
5) Recruiters sourcing for talent or contacts in certain industries or companies.
6) Job seekers looking for connections that may help them land their next gig.
7) Vendors searching for potential customers.
8) You posted a comment in a group discussion and people want to check to see if your comments are worthy of their attention and if you have any credibility to comment on the topic.
9) New LinkedIn members who you may have worked with previously just saw you in their list of people you may know.
10) Connections of other connections see that you just connected with someone else and click to see who you are.
There are plenty of other things that could be going on when someone clicks your profile or you turn up in a search. The main reason I don’t think the tally matters is that you should be concerned with people not just looking at you, but calling, emailing, InMailing or direct messaging you because they found something appealing about you or that they could benefit from.
I often encounter people experimenting with various tactics to increase that “who viewed my profile” number without taking into consideration that gaming the system is not entirely possible, nor does it make much sense to try given the constant algorithm updates. There are some very questionable practices that have unfortunately created a pattern of people doing whatever it takes to stay in view. The majority of time the action, content, sequence and arrangement is geared ONLY to attract views. For some people this is the only goal they care about and that is how they justify those techniques.
What concerns me is that other people tend to mimic these ideas and my not even understand how that looks to those viewing their profile or their activity in general. For example, there are certain people loading their profile or timeline status updates with specific content that looks suspicious to viewers who regularly search LI for particular types of talent. Sure they show up, but then what?
When others see these type of profiles, it is immediately obvious what is going on and just because it may fool some people, many will think of you as the fool. If someone is noticed for doing some of those things that they think are impressive, but are in fact harmful, they may never even know. Obviously, not the kind of attention most of us want to attract!
There are plenty of legitimate methods to enhance your LinkedIn profile – to make it reflect the impressive qualities you have to offer. That should be the focus, so when someone does search or look, they like what they find.
Topic originally shared in TalentTalks LinkedIn Group
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