Will Thomson, Ex-Agency Corporate Recruiter

The Animal Aftershow slaughtered me today.

Here's what Jerry wrote when he posted the scores:

"Unfortunately the host let this one die very early. Sorry Will."

But, you know what? I just started listening to the recording and I'm only 15 minutes in but I found it very funny. So I assume that the rest will be good as well.

And everyone complained about the discussion about the monkey. But I dwelt on that because I found it interesting. Was I wrong? You can tell me in the comments. No one else sees a need to pull any punches so, hey, why should you?



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Views: 542

Comment by Will Thomson on March 20, 2013 at 10:57pm
Thanks for having me, Animal, Jerry. Enjoyed it, even if it was slaughtered. I had some good laughs.
Comment by Valentino Martinez on March 23, 2013 at 10:56pm

Will – you’re right – the recent Recruiting Animal Show you appeared on as Guest was entertaining and you were trampled. But you have to admit…it goes with the territory.  You weren’t the first and won’t be the last to be drawn & quartered on a blogtalk radio program designed to ferret out a truth.  Not necessarily thee-truth, but a-truth – if I can make that distinction.

I say, “You Have Nothing to Fear but Fear Itself -- When You Guest Appear on the Recruiting Animal Show” (title of a past photo post of mine on recruitingblogs.com).

However, when you give the Recruiting Animal access to your inner thought process, relative to the subject of recruitment -- it becomes fair game to dissect it.  And he, and the Recruiting Animal Show crew & guests, will pursue a line of questioning that will ferret-out the veracity of what you say.

Frankly, the Recruiting Animal deserved a higher score…because he did his job.  He simply followed your train of thought and the rest is history.  And, Will – there is no crying in blog-talk-radio.  Suck it up; learn from it and walk away or comeback for a rematch.

The Recruiting Animal Show is not for everyone – but I feel it should be mandatory as a kind of field test -- a gauntlet if you will –mildly similar to the survival training Special Forces soldiers have to undertake before they are considered “Special Forces” caliber capable.  All recruiting professionals should test their mettle on the Recruiting Animal Show.

So, Will – what’s it going to be?  The Animal was calling you “Willie” for shit-sake.  Unless that’s a childhood nickname, or term of endearment, it seemed like he was baiting you to get your dander up.  He was bellowing and begging and he got you to share your thoughts and feelings – and then he pounced.  Next time come prepared.  Defend yourself and mix it up with the Recruiting Animal.  There are survivors after all – from Guest appearing on THE RECRUITING ANIMAL SSSHHOOOOW!...as Jerry likes to scream.


Comment by Valentino Martinez on March 24, 2013 at 12:22pm

I should add that the experience of the Recruiting Animal Show will be:  informative, funny, entertaining, educational, spiritual, inspirational, emotional, unbelievable, truthful, deceptive, cathartic, confusing, passionate, crazy, respectful & disrespectful, kind, boring, stupid, marvelous, tasteless, moving, insensitive, flirtatious, complimentary, stunning, insulting, democratic, satirical, hardcore, brutal, empathetic, clownish, beautiful, hopeless, loud, memorable, but never, ever with dead-air...for most participants, listeners & passers-by.

Comment by Will Thomson on March 25, 2013 at 12:23am
A bit feisty Valentino :). You certainly can dish it. A rematch? Hell maybe. I'll have to think about it. Not a crier my friend, as you can tell by my blog post the next day. You posing a Clubber Lane /Rocky scenario?
Comment by Valentino Martinez on March 25, 2013 at 2:56am

Will --- My dish simply defines the ordeal of participating in the Recruiting Animal Show -- for you or anyone else.  And the “feisty” is not with me – it’s actually in the dust that was flying in the Recruiting Animal Show arena last Wednesday.  And it was the After Show that was feisty.

The fact that you have a sidebar post revisiting what went down is a sort of self-defense effort that still has to butt-up against the live-taping of the show & after show that even you admit was a slaughter.

A revisit is in order unless you're comfortable with your initial result.  And it's not so much a Clubber Lane vs. Rocky scenario.  It's more at:  express and defend yourself succinctly so that a sidebar post won't be necessary to explain what happened.


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