Remember the movie, Tell Them Willy Boy Is Here? (It's about a big chase). Well, Willy Boy Will Thomson Jr was on The Recruiting Animal Show for the second time on August 13, 2014 and we had a big chase of our own and I had hard time running him down. 

I asked him if people ever have their cereal bowls on the table during his skype interviews and he said, "Well, Animal, I've seen your video interviews and you can see your clothes in the background!'. "No, Billy," I said, "That's not the question!". "It never is," said Jerry and that's what this whole interview was like: me trying to pin the guy down (with Jerry stabbing me in the back (as usual).

Will is a prolific blogger so I read his posts and asked him questions about them. "I wrote that two years ago!" he protested. "So what," I said, "Do you mean what you say or are you just churning out content?".

Jerry said that Will seems so nice it makes you hesitate to go after him and that spoiled the show. But I disagree. I didn't hold back and from what I could see neither did the good old boy Albright either. "I like to kill deer," boasted Will. He was very upfront about that.

Also vocal on the show were Jeff NewmanAlejandro Guzman and Michael Cox



Views: 172

Comment by Will Thomson on August 14, 2014 at 4:49pm

Enjoyed it Animal, thanks for having me.  

Comment by Recruiting Animal on August 14, 2014 at 4:50pm

Me too. Thanks for coming, Will.


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