Caring for your employees isn't just the right thing to do, it can also save your company a substantial amount of money. Taking care of your employees results in less sick days, increased productivity, and greater engagement in the workplace. Almost 90 percent of employers assume when an employee leaves it's because they found a better paying job; however, this is actually only true in about 12 percent of the cases. Losing employees is expensive, and it can be time-consuming and expensive to find new people to replace employees that leave. Protecting your employee’s rights can help your company foster a safe, enjoyable, and valued work environment.
Engage Your Employees
If you want your employees to care about your business, you first need to get them engaged and have them genuinely care about the company. Show them what they’ll be a bigger part of by explaining the big picture of the company, and where their role is. Rolling out the welcome mat for new employees will help set the stage for a productive and respected employee. Allow your employees to express themselves as individuals within a set of guidelines, and promote an environment that fosters creative thought and suggestions for making the workplace more productive and enjoyable. Foster a work environment that values employee input and give new employees a chance to get to know what they’ll be a part of. Don't just assign tasks to your employees. Give them ownership of the task and let them know you trust their judgment and they will complete with more care and responsibility.
Provide Frequent and Deserved Praise
Complementing your employees for every positive act they contribute will not instill a sense of respect in your company, but rather recognition for hard work will go further. Every employee in your company deserves some amount of praise for the work they do, otherwise why would you keep them on your team? A little public recognition can go a long way toward increasing the performance of a poor performer. It feels good to be told that you're good at something, so make it a point to single out at least one employee each week and compliment them on something they have truly done well. If you find there are employees not pulling their weight, give them a job they can complete that you can later praise. Positive motivation goes a long way toward improving the workplace and making employees feel they are important.
Create Opportunities for a Better Future
One of the oft-cited reasons for an employee leaving the workplace is the company didn't provide enough opportunities, or that they provided the wrong kind of opportunities. As your company grows, make sure you promote from within whenever possible. Talk with your employees in monthly meetings about the direction of the company, and clue them in to where the business stands. If your employees feel like the company is going somewhere, they will be more likely to stay and contribute in a positive way. Support them when it comes to schooling and further education and they will see how much they are valued. Better opportunities for moving up can really motivate some of your workers.
Go Beyond Healthcare
Show your employees you truly care about their health. Replace soda machines with healthier opportunities for drinks and snacks. Provide a healthy work environment with air filters that are regularly cleaned and maintained. Use HEPA-style filtering to ensure the air inside your office doesn't stagnate and stays clean. Work with local restaurants to provide a daily delivery service for anybody who gets their lunch order in by a certain time. None of these actions require a significant amount of time, and by providing these services it shows your employees you care. Companies like ASEA suggest you think about your healthcare provider and benefits programs. It’s a big draw for employees to stay when they have a good package for staying well.
Care about your employees and they will care more about their jobs. Managers need all the help they can get to run a business. Find an employee that is willing to act as a liaison between your employees and you. This can help foster increased communication since employees often feel more comfortable talking with their co-workers than their managers. Bring your team together through regular meetings, and showing that you take their health and ideas seriously.
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