World vision Versus Funnel Vision!!


What kind of vision do you use when reviewing resumes or looking at profiles? Do you focus only at the very first few lines? Do you perhaps read the whole thing but only treat each section, each line as an individual entity? If you do that is Funnel vision. Think of a funnel; think you are looking through the big end out of the little end. This allows you to only see a little bit at a time of what is there, it only allows you to take each little piece separately, and individually, because you cannot see the rest.


Now imagine you are looking at the resume or profile through big wide screen lenses, lenses that let you see the whole world. You can now see not just the line you are reading but the whole resume or profile. You can see how each piece fits, how each skills and job builds on another. You now get a true holistic view of that persons resume or profile.


Now the reason for bringing this up is because in talking with allot of candidates, and allot of staffing professionals, it has become obvious that while one would think the “World Vision” approach is used the most, in reality it is not. The “Funnel Vision” is used the most. This worries me because we as staffing professional should keep an open mind, should see the whole picture, we should consider all the pieces of the puzzle when considering a candidate.


If you are not using “world vision” then you a missing out on some great candidates and in the end we are not really doing our jobs.

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