We all know what Linkedin is, no need to go over it. However one of the things I hear a lot of people say is how do I search in Linkedin for people in a specific location, working for a specific company and with a current specific title. Well I might have come up with a solution.


So I came up with a string that appears to work pretty well. What I did was study a Linkedin Profile and look for what I call static standard terms. Example, the word present is almost always referring to their current company and position. Now I say almost because the static term present could apply to education as well. However since we are also adding a title the possibility of education information being mistaken is mitigated.


So here is an example string


site:linkedin.com/in ("Denver" AROUND 10 "Connections") AND ("Developer" AROUND 10 "Present")


Now what did we do here. Lets break it down


site:linkedin.com/in  -this is standard beginning xray technique.



("Denver" AROUND 10 "Connections")  -now this is the interesting part. What I am saying is look for the term Denver with in 10 words of the term connections. You will find on most Linkedin profiles their location is near their number of connections.


("Developer" AROUND 10 "Present") – like the above what we are doing is saying find the term developer within 10 terms of the word Present. In most cases the term present is their current position and obviously the title in this case Developer will be nearby. In this way you can also add a specific company. The name of their current company will also be with in 10 words of the term present.

Now of course this is generic so simply add what you are searching for to the string.

Now keep in mind its not perfect no xray is, but it works really well.



If you need more info on X-raying see my blog post http://www.recruitingblogs.com/profiles/blogs/seeing-what-is-really...


See my YouTube video on x-raying



Until next week, may the source be with you!

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