This was the most infuriating conversation I have ever had with the the Recruiting Animal
ring ring
Animal: Hello
me: It's me, I have a question to ask
Animal: Go ahead
me: How do you say obnoxious little sister in Yiddish
Animal: Vahksin zuls du vi a tsibeleh, mitten kup in drerd
me: Why do you need to insult me
Animal: (silence) (silence)
me: Animal, are you there?
Animal: Nem zich a vaneh
me: ok, enough with the insults, do you know how to say obnoxious little sister or not.
Animal: I do, I'm sorry, one sec.
me: Alright
Animal: Do you have a pen?
me: You know I don't have pens
Animal: ok you say it like this: Az di bobe volt gehat beytsim volt zi geven mayn zeyde!
me: Screw you
Animal: Jay Dee? are you there.
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