Carmen Hudson's Comments

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At 4:09pm on February 23, 2011, Slouch said…
Congrats Carmen on the new gig!
At 1:51pm on November 13, 2008, Christopher Becker said…
It was great meeting you at the ERE Conference in Miami!
At 10:21am on November 4, 2008, Slouch said…
Thanks Carmen. Maren is really the one responsible for everything good in that booth. I just had hats. can you private email me your phone number. I have a question to ask you
At 4:13pm on November 3, 2008, Slouch said…
Dinner was fun last week. Thanks again
At 2:54pm on September 2, 2008, Stephen said…
I had requested to lik after checking your blog one day. Nice to connect. Enjoyed your writing on Twitter. I do not use it but I am curious and thus I was reading up a bit. Take Care.
At 8:02pm on August 27, 2008, Erica Jayne Walsh said…

Are you still attending SourceCon? If so, any interest in networking offline?

- Erica
At 10:26pm on August 25, 2008, Keeley Mitchell-Wallace said…
Hi Carmen,
As a newbie into the recruiting field, I am trying to surround myself around more experienced players so that I can have sound advice on different issues. I just read your showcase and was completely impressed. I would love to bounce some thoughts off of you sometime and hear about your experiences.


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