3 ways to utilize Mobile Technology in Recruiting

Earlier this month, I wrote a blog article on mobile recruiting and why it is and will be an important recruiting channel for employers. Today I want to talk about mobile technology and in what ways you can utilize this technology effectively in your recruitment marketing strategy.

Mobile technology is becoming more and more powerful and Smartphones have made it so most people are always connected. Any recruiting technology worth it’s weight will have realized it’s potential and should have some solutions in place to leverage the power of mobile technology (in particular SMS). Here are three ways that I believe you will be able to leverage mobile technology in your recruiting efforts today or in the near future:

Recruiting Channel - Just like email before it, SMS messages are a great way to reach qualified candidates quickly and cheaply that are in your Talent Network. The biggest advantage of SMS is the immediacy and frequency that users check these messages. Users typcially check SMS messages within 4 minutes of receiving them (as compared to 48 hours with email.) This can provide you with immediate insight on how effective and compelling your job ad is to potential candidates very early in your job campaign. Make sure that the recruiting technology you utilize enables you to send and track the performance of SMS job campaigns to your contacts.

Career Fairs / Networking Events - One of the biggest pains with trade shows, career fairs, networking events or anywhere where you are interacting with potential candidates, is collecting the contact information for everyone that visits your booth. You utilize resumes, contact sheets and if you are technology advanced scanners in order to add these candidates to your Talent Network but that usually can be very time consuming and mostly just a real pain. Mobile technology provides a great way for candidates to add themselves to your Talent Network with very little effort on your part as every candidate should have a cell phone on hand with SMS capabilities.

There are services that enable candidates to text their email address to a dedicated phone number and automatically adds this information to a Recruitment CRM. From the CRM, you can then send targeted email and SMS campaigns to any of the candidates you collected. It’s a simple easy way to capture candidate information and effectively utilize it in job ad campaigns. (If you are interested in this, you should check out our Mobile Recruiting solution.)

Career Site / Application Process - There has been a lot of talk over the last few weeks about how employers can better engage with candidates. Mobile can help with this process. From offering free text alerts about candidate’s job application status to creating mobile applications that enable candidates to view jobs at your company there are a variety of ways you can utilize mobile to engage and make the recruiting process better for qualified candidates.

Those are three ways that you can utilize mobile technologies in your current recruiting strategy. Mobile technologies will continue to grow in popularity and sophistication and the more you implement mobile recruiting into your current strategy, the better you’ll be positioned to take advantage of it in the future.

Originally posted on the SmashFly Recruitment Marketing Blog.

About the Author: Chris is the Marketing Analyst for SmashFly Technologies. SmashFly is the provider of the first recruitment marketing platform called WildFire that provides companies and staffing firms with job ad distribution, Recruitment CRM and the best real time recruitment metrics for all their recruiting efforts online.

You can follow me on Twitter @smashfly.

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