Introduction to Teamability

Janice Presser is a PhD Behavioural Scientist. She and her partner came up with a service that assesses a candidate's ability to fit into your team.

I asked @MaureenSharib to take the test to provide an example for the show. I think I know Maureen pretty well and the description Janice gave on the show matched what I know.

Maureen is a phone sourcer. She doesn't like to get involved with the management of people in a recruiting process. She much prefers the wham bam thank you man transactional nature of a research project. And she likes to teach people.

And Janice described her as an Explorer who likes to work outside the organization. And she said she likes teaching. I can't remember what else she said but she told us that Maureen was a hire but that working in a corporation was probably not where she should be.

However, there was a problem. Janice is a PhD. She states in an article that she doesn't believe in the need for elevator speeches that even your grandmother can understand. But that's exactly what the Recruiting Animal Show needs.

It sounds as if her product would be a great thing for recruiters to know about but during the AfterShow the Animal Crew said that they really didn't understand it at all.

Here's ‏@TomBolt - Deep subject on the @animal show today. @DrJanice did a great job, but prob a little cerebral for the typical recruiting audience

See what you think.

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Views: 261

Comment by Tim Spagnola on October 19, 2012 at 7:58am

Good show Animal! I had always wanted to hear Dr. Janice clarify exactly what Teamability was.

Comment by Recruiting Animal on October 19, 2012 at 8:28am

I'm going to disagree with you Timmy.

We should have been able to say that the job description is analyzed for a Teamability definition or not. And then explain briefly what the candidate does and how she is matched to the job description. We didn't do that so no one understood.

I disagree with the aftershow that this is of no value. I was very impressed by the analysis of Maureen whom I think I know pretty well. But I agree with the aftershow team that it was hard to understand. And there weren't lots of examples offered to show how it worked.

I've even begged people in writing before the show to come with examples but it just doesn't happen.

I'm a failure, Tim. I'm a failure and I'm willing to admit it.

Comment by Amber on October 19, 2012 at 11:55am

I just finished listening. Don't think it was as much as people can't understand it as the fact that it really wouldn't have much relevance to most 3rd party recruiters. But, if there were any recruiters that have a client that is interested in using some sort of assessment during their process none of us "stupid" people would likely recommend this company. Neither Animal nor the guest failed in the inteview, it just wasn't a topic that many listeners were interested in.

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Albert Einstein


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