Social media is the most prominent platform that has become the future of recruiting. Although it’s already passed through its nascent phase, still undergoing some growing pains. There are several companies struggling with the right way to approach recruiting on social platforms. Here is the right roadmap to social recruiting.

Understand Social Network

It is very important to understand why people approach social platforms. The most prominent reason could be it gives people the platform to stay connected with one another. It gives a personalized feeling. No one likes to follow a brand to be flooded with marketing messages. Even if you follow a brand it is because you want to get involved in a conversation with them. It’s the same thing for social recruiting channels.

Don’t Expect More Than You Give

It is a thumb rule – don’t take more than you give. While operating social channels specifically for recruiting objective, you need to think like marketers. Engage audience offering some personalized and cultural story that can help them understand the actual culture of the company.

Involve Current Staff

There is no better way to demonstrate that your company is great place with rich culture to work in than to tell the stories of current employees. This will develop a bonding and trust level amongst the job seekers even if they may have a certain amount of distrust for your brand.

Retain the Data

It is always advisable to keep track of potential candidates. To keep them engaged you can invest in applicant tracking software that allows you save candidate data sourced from multiple channels. Surely you will not miss out the previous conversation with the candidate with whom you’re engaged in a conversation.

Don’t Forget Mobile

Most of the candidates are now having social presence they can access on mobile, so it’s imperative to remember mobile recruiting also when you’re using social platform while attempting to drive candidates. It shows the recruiting landscape is shifting drastically and leaving the conventional application process behind.

Retain your Social Recruiting Channels

Maintaining your recruiting channels can be vital. Candidates tend to lose interest or can think there is no opening. Just ensure to keep content flowing and keep them engaged even if you are not recruiting currently. Who knows when you could track a candidate with right set of skills required for your future position? Don’t forget to fill in the blanks with rich content promoting your culture.


Social recruiting can be actually hard to get right, but following some set guidelines of using it you can make most out of it. Create engaging content to let your followers know your business. Don’t lose track of potential candidate data, simplify it for mobile applicants, and that’s all that matters.

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