WOT (WAY OFF TOPIC) Beware of the Low Blow - Exploding toilets injure 2 federal workers - CYA Safety Lesson

While this subject matter may seem to be off topic a bit--I qualified it as Way Off Topic for the RBC--because of the funny and not-so-funny aspect of this serious warning for recruiters who may be in harms way and not know it (you can thank me later).

I will introduce this post by saying:  SAFETY FIRST & LAST in any job--recruitment is no exception.  Now the facts:

Toilet tales: how can a commode go kaboom?

Analysis by Jesse Emspak  - Thu Sep 29, 2011 03:06 PM ET

"The news of an exploding toilet at the General Services Administration building in Washington, D.C. will likely be a running joke for the next day or so. But it's no joke that in some buildings, the toilet really can explode.

According to the Washington Post story, the GSA building, built nearly 80 years ago, uses a water tank storage system to create pressures high enough to carry water to the top floors of the eight-story structure. A spokeperson for the GSA told the paper that air had leaked into the pipes, increasing the pressure to the point that two toilets exploded, sending two people to the hospital."



So the moral of the story is be mindful and aware at all times.  You never know when CYA can can prevent injury or even save your life.

Don't let the following happen to you...



I add the following as a public service demo to uz guyz who may think this is a nonsense post.  It's no joke when your keister is up next for the BIG BLAST of air when you least expect it and are most vulnerable...when your skivvies are down.


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May the force be with you, but not on your potty breaks.
I take it I should considered myself warned? Wow- Tino that is a wild story.

Tim--If I can save a life by sharing such wild stories...my job is done here. 


I think the purchase of a Water Heater Air Pressure Gage is in order here...and there...and especially in high rise buildings where water pressure is required to get up to the higher floor restrooms and Penthouse thrones. 

I'm thinking the skill-set of knowing how to depressurize a pumped up toilet water-line will be specified in the next job description for a Plumber and/or Plumber's Apprentice, particularly for those assigned to work in old government buildings.


Forewarned Is Forearmed

Yes, consider yourself forearmed.


PS--How'd you like the photo?

Tim Spagnola said:
I take it I should considered myself warned? Wow- Tino that is a wild story.

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