Hello Everyone -


As you log on to the RBC today I am sure you are quick to note the new makeover. I discussed this a bit more in today's daily email, but wanted to open this thread to hear from all of you. All feedback, suggestions, and bugs can be reported on this thread.


We continue to work behind the scenes in rolling out the changes. Even a simple like click if you like what you see would me a great deal.


Thanks everyone!

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Copy of portion of email if anyone missed earlier..........


Good Morning Everyone -

Welcome to your new (and I think improved) RecruitingBlogs.com.

After weeks of teasing and many hours of work we went live late last night on the first round of changes to the site. I want to assure everyone that all of the information you are accustomed to finding on the main page is still there. A few items have been moved around to improve the flow of information but the content still remains. Our goal was to improve functionality and bring additional content to the community and I feel that we have taken a significant step in that direction. From the updated news ticker, featured weekly webinars and the networking capabilities of the advanced member search are examples of the improvements we’ve made to the site.


The site was designed in the new NING test studio. This is now the default test studio and as a result there was one tradeoff - all member profile pages were reset to the default look. Having said that, your data, your apps and member profile information still exists but the look and feel uses the default template. The upside to this tradeoff is that all members now have access to new customization tools. There are many new themes and changes that individuals can access from their profile with the customize my page link. 


We are excited to hear your feedback and suggestions. In fact a thread has been started to open the discussion that you can find here. Even if you have no additional suggestions, a simple “Like” click would mean a lot to us if you like what you are seeing.


Please keep in mind that the site remains a work in progress and that we’re continually making improvements to ensure that the RBC is the place for all things recruiting.

We are aware and working to fix some of the bugs you might find visiting the RBC via IE9. We will keep everyone updated.

Pass this info to Ning.... this look/feel may be worth 24 smakaroo's per month. I was beginning to wonder why they were charging monthly, instead of yearly, fee's. It makes sense now. Keep up the great work.... you are an excellent community manager!

Dayna - thank you so much for the kind words. It is greatly appreciated!

Is it my iPad or why is the leader board buton going to a sign on screen?

When I post the page jumps from the reply box to the top of the page and back.

@Sandra - thanks for feedback. I will get button fixed. That link needs to be corrected. I will jump on iPad in a few moments to check on reply error. I will keep you posted.

Was swept into this new RBC format last night...and really like it.

Visually, it is as if it should have been this way all along, e.g., for those who take eye exams--when the optometrist puts you through the phoropter test—the lens slide showing your current vision is what it is …then a flip to the corrected (improved) lens slide and the visual field is suddenly improved—to include sweet drop-downs and expansion options.

SWEET!...and I'm still playing with it.

 An optical refractor (phoropter) in use

Thanks Tino! Really appreciate it.....

@John - thanks...I agree with you 100%


@Rayanne - really appreciate hearing that coming from you. Check out your new image in Bonus Track forum category? ; )

I like the new look!  Nice job!

@Chris -  thank you for kind words


- Leaderboard button Fixed

- Added new preview option for both forum/blog content

- Added new Text Editor Functionality

- Fixed AdServer Glitch

- Added new Logo to Media Player


@Sandra - I am updating my iPad to new OS today and will mess around with that a bit more. I will share that we are also in process of getting a mobile APP created and will certainly factor in iPad there to make things a bit smoother.

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