The beginning of Astronauts Out and Robonauts In Protocol--

Robonaut 2 -- the first dexterous humanoid robot in space – is pictured in the Destiny laboratory of the International Space Station. NASA astronaut Mike Fossum, Expedition 29 commander; and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency astronaut Satoshi Furukawa, flight engineer, (both out of frame) joined forces to conduct the second onboard tests of R2, which was put in motion for the first time in orbit. After performing a coordinated power-up with the ground, the crew maneuvered each arm joint to determine the differences of the microgravity environment by setting control gains through repetitive motions. They also performed an initial vision checkout of the high-def cameras to verify they are working and in focus. The ground then commanded R2 to move to the stow-position while monitoring the motion.


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@Tino - how do you go about sourcing these guys? ; )

Very carefully and with a flashlight because they  tend to be night feeders.

Tim Spagnola said:

@Tino - how do you go about sourcing these guys? ; )

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