I got this as the last paragraph in a well written cover letter by a Sr. Financial Candidate this morning.

It pretty well says it all.  I almost fell out of my chair laughing when i hit the last paragraph.  Do we think it might be time to get real with our communication?


 Direct cut and paste from the cover letter.


"To put a stake in the ground at the end of the day, if you want to maximize leverage, then I’m the best in breed change agent who can give 110% by creating win-win-win situations and who looks beyond the low-hanging fruit to manage expectations by taking a global view which creates synergy to help you maximize customer satisfaction and take it to the next level.  So there. Fuck you."



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I come from a long line of accountants.  Mom was controller for a chain of nursing homes.  Married twice , both CPA's, son is a CPA Tax jack.  I was business manager /controller for a TV station and did all the accounting for a faimly owned ranching and O%G investments  group. 

I hate accounting with a passion.  Have to get another extension today because i have done evreything but get my books ready for son to file my tax return.  He is not speaking to me.  I keep telling him that i quit doing accounting in 1975 so it takes me longer since i am not up on the rules and regs.  He makes a strange noise and hangs up on me.  :)

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