I am planning to get certified. Does anyone know AIRS or NAPS is good? This is my first certification, which one should i have to take, which is more recognized?
I am not a huge fan of certifications. Learning and execution is more important. Certifications are not going to give real experience. Most of the techniques taught in the certifications can be found free online in webinars etc.
Here is an old thread on RBC about the topic: http://www.recruitingblogs.com/forum/topics/airs-certification-wort...
Thanks Ryan for your response.
Ryan Leary said:
I am not a huge fan of certifications. Learning and execution is more important. Certifications are not going to give real experience. Most of the techniques taught in the certifications can be found free online in webinars etc.
Here is an old thread on RBC about the topic: http://www.recruitingblogs.com/forum/topics/airs-certification-wort...
I forgot to mention that each of those certifications are vastly different. What are you looking to accomplish?
Please dont laugh. Trying to learn how to source in effective way, knowledgeable about the federal laws affecting the temporary staffing industry. and after finding canditate how to close deal with client.
No laughing here. That's the purpose of this site. There are many people here that can help. Use the search box and search certifications or recruiter training. You will find a bunch of stuff.
I will feature this and send a note to the community for you.
Thank you so much Rayan.
Hi Jerina,
Ryan is right - that's why we're all here, and there are no dumb questions. :) AIRS for sourcing, NAPS for staffing rules, etc. For closing, sadly there are no certs to help you there... just practice practice practice. Get a mentor, ask lots of questions. Trial and error.
Also, I consider AIRS to be more widely recognized and perhaps more relevant...? Depending on the direction you want your career to go. Hope that helps!
This helps. thank you Amy.
Hi Jerina,
We don't do staffing, just mostly permanent fulltime placements so I can't speak to those laws/regulations as far as training.
But for learning how to search and source on the internet, I have learned a lot from this group: http://booleanstrings.ning.com/?xg_source=msg_mes_network
Irina Shamaeva has lots of training available, you might want to join her group I listed above and check out the info.
I also think this group is helpful because they offer free webinar's on various topics, and many are eligible for credit to NAPS continuing ed if you decide to go with NAPS certification. https://www.recruitersconnection.com/index.php
For staffing resources, I don't know what a paid membership would cost but they also have a lot of free information:
Wow, lots of free information. Many people just dont throw useful info for free. Thanks to you.
It is too much to ask, still asking, where i can learn the details (end to end process) for permanent placements. do u have any documenet for that.
Scott Love has a lot of free resources, info, and training on his site: http://www.greatrecruitertraining.com/
He offers paid training, too.
What did you do before this? I come from a sales and management background, so that makes the client and candidate process a little easier I think. As Ryan, Amy, and probably lots of others on here will tell you, the phone is the most crucial tool you'll use. Being able to call people you don't know and ask for business (clients) or about placing them (candidates) is the key. The important "training" will come from working through all kinds of different and challenging situations!
I have worked for various staffing company as sourer, IT recruiter. No company gave me training.
Amber said:
Scott Love has a lot of free resources, info, and training on his site: http://www.greatrecruitertraining.com/
He offers paid training, too.
What did you do before this? I come from a sales and management background, so that makes the client and candidate process a little easier I think. As Ryan, Amy, and probably lots of others on here will tell you, the phone is the most crucial tool you'll use. Being able to call people you don't know and ask for business (clients) or about placing them (candidates) is the key. The important "training" will come from working through all kinds of different and challenging situations!
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