How do you use twitter to target potential candidates or clients

Good morning RB after signing up for twitter a few weeks ago I am wondering how it is working out for some of you. I have saw post where some of you use twitter as a tool to gain potential clients or candidates. How has it worked out for you? Is there a certain strategy you follow to acheive your success on twitter?

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George there are a lot of posts on Recruitingblogs about this topic.  There are strong believers and non believers.  For myself, twitter works in communicating with candidates that are in my pool/database.  I keep them informed of what I have that is new for jobs as well as news I receive about the job market (physicians and healthcare).  I do get followers that are related and not in my database thus drawing in passive candidates or candidates new to me.  Have I made a placement because of twitter, not sure.  But I have placed candidates that I communicated with via twitter.

read this debate...

If you go to

and enter twitter in the google search bar you will get all of our content.

WOW! Thanks Noel good stuff

strong believers and nonbeliever a is an understatement!
Noel Cocca said:

If you go to

and enter twitter in the google search bar you will get all of our content.

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