I almost can't believe I am actually saying those words, but YES(!) I am retired.

My LinkedIn account  is closed (can't seem to figure out how to actually close it so I just deleted everything) and I will no longer be on Twitter.  This will be my last entry on Recruiting Blogs though I may drop by to see what's happening in the recruiter world.  My goal is to NOT doing anything remotely close to recruiting.  No career coaching, mentoring - nothing. 

I have truly enjoyed my career as a recruiter since 1989 but now look forward to being with my husband (also retiring), visiting family and friends throughout the United States and the world. Yes, we will spend some time traveling. 

I wish you all "Best wishes for continued success!"  I know I enjoyed mine. 

Best wishes for continued success! 


Views: 3271

Comment by Cora Mae Lengeman on February 2, 2013 at 9:06am

Everyone, thank you for your well wishes!  You are too kind.  Recruiting is the BEST - hands down - job anyone can have!  Give me a smart phone ansd i can work anywhere in the world... but I won't be - I AM RETIRED!!

Jerry, I gave your name, info and showed your web site to a PE firm out of NY and DC.  They hire new management when they buy companies - I told them you were the best at IT and engineers/ for their needs with VP Manufacturing, President, IT execs and the like.  They were very interested and inveswt in companies (all kinds) in the midwest.   They said they'd call you in April or May to arrange meeting.  have fun with them they're great guys.

Amy and Tim:  Of course i am not dropping my membership with Recruiting Blogs!  I'll check in every so often and make you jealous of where I've been.  First order is to leave for Tortola and sail the islands for a couple of months. Be bak around Easter or maybe in May!

Ryan:  I retired mid January when I finished up some last minute searches. When I told clients in December that I was retiring they had some "last minute must have searches" that just had to be done asap!  So I am now done!

Best wishes to all!





Comment by Martin Ellis on February 2, 2013 at 2:23pm

Cora. We never met in person, but I sort of got to know you - even this far away just south of London. Stay healthy and happy. And travel! It's great to see the world. Places you must go: Sydney, Australia; The Swiss mountains; Portugal; Bergen, Norway; Cape Town, South Africa; Fiji; among others. Blow your stash gradually and have a ball.

Comment by Sandra McCartt on February 2, 2013 at 2:42pm
I will retire when they pry this computer out of my cold, dead hands. :)
Comment by Darryl Dioso on February 4, 2013 at 1:40pm
Congrats Cora and enjoy your retirement.
Comment by Mitch Sullivan on February 5, 2013 at 5:56am

Well done, Cora.  I hope you have a long and enjoyable retirement.


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