Here's how to "Turn Off" those spammy LinkedIn Endorsements from your LI Home page...

How in the world can I stop the onslaught of Endorsement notifications that are filling my LinkedIn updates stream? 

This has been a popular topic ever since LinkedIn announced the ability to endorse connections. It seems like everyone on LI is endorsing every single one of their connections for a wide variety of skills. I've received Endorsements from people I don't know and have never worked with. For me, LinkedIn Endorsements have been overly used and as a result are now devalued to a point of almost worthlessness.

We also have to deal with another very negative aspect of this great new LI feature. There appears to be no way to "turn off" those spammy endorsement notifications from all your connections. My stream was starting to get completely overrun with these notifications. I was beginning to cringe every time I went to my LinkedIn account (which I do several times per day). 

I've had a little good luck recently, though. I figured out how to get rid of those pesky endorsement notifications. Here are the instructions:

You can remove them by going to the upper right corner of your status update area, selecting the View mode (it should be currently listed as "All Updates"), select the "Customize" menu... then unselect "Update Changes". That gets rid of them. Be sure to set your View mode back to "Recent" posts before closing.

Also... since you are effectively turning off the notices about your Connections profiles, you may want to sign up for a service like this: It will email you occasionally and inform you on which Connections have changed their LinkedIn Current Position/Headlines. I've been using this particular service for 3 years for free and it's a great way to keep up with Connections who change jobs.

Let me know if I can help any further, and be sure to connect with me on LinkedIn at:

Views: 1859

Comment by Irina Shamaeva on March 12, 2013 at 12:23pm

There are ways to regulate any types of messages from LinkedIn. As for endorsements themselves  they may be overused, but it is a data point for many potential candidates: which skills they use for endorsements and how many people recognize them. Of course, this is not 100% reliable.

As for tracking who changes jobs, LinkedIn Signal provides ways to track who changes jobs or adds ski..., not just within your connections.


Comment by Larry Engel on March 12, 2013 at 2:46pm

Hi Irina, 

I'm just glad the same dilution of value problem didn't happen to LinkedIn's "Recommendations". I give a lot of value to those, and have hired people and given work projects to LinkedIn connections who have those.

I feel the endorsements may be an ok way to where an individual's strengths are, but that's about all at this point.

I'll check out the LinkedIn Signal you mentions... thanks. 

Comment by Larry Engel on March 14, 2013 at 10:01am

Anyone else notice how LinkedIn has changed the Profile "rollover preview" recently? Now you can't do a rollover and see the person's Company or City/State. For me, that makes the whole concept of the rollover useless.


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