What do Your Commission Plans and Metrics Look Like?

I'm wondering what different agency commission plans look like. Do you have to meet metrics to be eligible for commission? 

My metrics are based upon interviews, reference checks, send outs, interviews, and of course placements. 

Is it pretty typical for a recruiter to not receive commission for the first year of work even if their placement goals are met?

Views: 3612

Comment by Sandra McCartt on March 12, 2013 at 4:18pm

I think there is a post that i saw on the time line that is not showing up here.  Maybe Cristina thought better of it and took it down.

Agree with both Jer. and Amy.  A lot of agency owners are more about control and making money for the house than they are about recruiters making money.  I hate that crap and all the weird gyrations i have heard over the years about how recruiters got shafted on commission.  I want recruiters making so damn much money that they can't spend it fast enough.  The metric monster i worked for regaled us constantly about the wonderful person she used to have who did everything by the numbers and followed every metric she could think up.  I finally asked her what wonderful person made on average a year.  The answer, oh gee between 14 and 18K.

Uh, sweetie, you just handed me a commisson check for 24K for the quarter.  Managing and motivating high producers is not based on checking little boxes, filling our reports.  You don't create high producers by nickle and dimeing them to death with reason to cut commissions.  Right up there with companies who suddenly decide their sales people are making too much money so they cut commissions, cap commissions, rearrange territories..and then they bitch because their sales staff just turned over or sales dropped.  Blah!  Christina, find an agency that is not run by a control freak who is looking for reasons not to pay you.  That is just crapola.

Try this one Jer.  You don't count coup by the number of arrows you shoot.  You count coup by the number of arrows you shoot that hit the target. 

Comment by Cristina Lewis on March 12, 2013 at 10:05pm

@Sandra...I did take it down because you never know who is on here. I left it on for a little while to get the feedback I am looking for to educate myself from experienced professionals like yourselves. However, I don't want this conversation falling upon the wrong eyes. I still do need to pay my rent lol!


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