I am quite looking forward to the day and half in Toronto. It's going to be a blast. Most of my questions are addressed to JD - but anyone can jump in to answer or ask anything else.

What time does the activity start on Friday?

What do we need to bring in order to get the most out of our trip?

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Don't forget your umbrella :-)

I like the idea of having the Itinerary posted - is it?

Silly me - I just saw it - duh!
I'm still missing the start time on Friday morning. Is it at the hotel and starting right after the continental breakfast?

Coming from Indiana - it would be the same amount of travel time either by car (excuse me - giant SUV) or by air....so I've decided to drive. I prefer driving in these situations. So depending on what time we start on Friday I may break up the drive with a stay a few hours from Toronto if I get a later start on Thursday.
Hey Jerry, It starts at 10 am. Make sure you bring your brain and recruiting perspective and be willing to share your ideas and be willing to learn something. On Monday of next week, I'll send out an email to all attendees with detail.

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