Open Networkers I've been focused on building my Linkedin network for about 1 year now and have about 14,300 connections. I just started my Facebook open networking and after 2 weeks have 500 friends. I know why I'm building my network, I have a specific plan, it pays huge dividends but I was wondering if there was an inherent value per connection that someone could put on a social network connection and if that inherent value would be equal across different social networks?
For example let's say that a Linkedin connection is worth $1.00, would a Facebook connection be worth $2.00 and a MySpace Connection worth $3.00 because of the relative size of the network? Is the value of the connection in any way related to the value of the network?
Is the value of the connection more if the network has more members?
What about if the network was very specialized like only administrative assistants or lion tamers?
What are the main factors that add value to any one specific connection?
Does the value of a connection fluctuate with time?
Is there a relavancy factor?
What about the activity level of the connection? This could be taken either as good or bad. Either they spend too much time or not enough time.
What if it's just a name and title and email and no profile, no picture, now blub, no blog posts no nothing?
If you had to put a dollar amount on the value of a connection on Linkedin what would it be?
Now use that same criteria for Facebook?
Now how about for connections on MySpace?
The list goes on and on
Click here for a full list of Social Networks
Also at what point does all this become unmanagable?
Having 14,000 connections on LI is a bit time consuming but it's not that too bad 1 hour a week. Facebook with 500 connections is draining much more of my time because of all the requests, invitation for this cause and that cause, and group promotion, wall to wall posts etc etc etc and ugh the list goes on it never stops...If I had 14,000 friends on Linkedin I'm not sure it would be worth it...
I'm thinking about creating a personal profile where only accept invites from friends and another business profile where I'll accept anything and be open...
Jeff Weidner
HTC Research Corp
925 313 9005 X 200