Writing an article about networking and was wondering how much time a week you spend networking with someone - whether it be a candidate or on business development.

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Is there much of what we do that we wouldn't consider networking? I think considering the "people" oriented nature of our business that the relationship building we do on a constant basis could be considered as networking. Sooo... I'm networking all the time! (on the job and off)
Of jeez, this thread reminded me of something I wrote back in 2005. You hit it nail on RayRay...
Thanks Becky - As a recruiter we always have to be "on" and networking all the time. Thanks for your comments.

Becky Metcalf said:
Is there much of what we do that we wouldn't consider networking? I think considering the "people" oriented nature of our business that the relationship building we do on a constant basis could be considered as networking. Sooo... I'm networking all the time! (on the job and off)
Thanks Rayanne - I think it is amazing where we can meet are next hire or client.
Rayanne said:
I would have to concur with Becky... My initial answer was about 40 hours and then realized that I was networking at the grocery store this morning and at the theatre the other night. The recruiter switch is never off. Sometimes, I wish it was. ;-)
Speak to Julia Stone. I had her on the Recruiting Animal Show and she makes in-person networking at local events a bulwark of her recruiting practice.

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