I personally don't like window shoppers.  

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I hate dealing with candidates that think I owe them jobs because they interviewed with me.

Sleazy, lying, scumbags who send resumes all over the place, never conduct complete interviews with candidates, give false info on candidates to clients and have the nerve to call themselves recruiters.



Indecisive hiring manager(s), who really like your candidate(s), but want to see more candidates.

Loss of outstanding candidates who were in queue but were lost due to extended delays due to indecisive hiring managers who want to see more candidates.

Receiving calls from indecisive hiring managers/HR reps who now want to speak to my outstanding candidate(s) who was once available but is no longer available due indecisive hiring managers who now want to hire your outstanding candidate(s) who is no longer available.

Shoot me now.

Regarding these replies... no disrespect to anyone, but I felt compelled to weigh in on this, as I strongly feel that most of these issues can be handled by setting better expectations up front - candidate or client.  It's definitely something all recruiters could improve on in one area, or another...   which brings me to what I like LEAST about recruiting - the challenges of breaking through preconceived notions and negative stereotypes that people seem to have about Recruiting, in general.     

Although, there's always an upside, as well.  Those situations are opportunities to set yourself apart and show your value, once you are able to identify what and where their sore spot is...  

I can recall a conversation that I had with my father years ago, when I was preparing to start my first serious career search upon my recent graduation.  He was handing down those pearls of wisdom that ultimately shape one's entire outlook on life, without knowing it at the time.  While brainstorming how and where I can focus my efforts in regards to mailing resumes out.. (that's right, I said mailing)...  he looked at me and made sure I was listening, waved his index finger at me ( the index finger is serious ), and said " And stay away from Recruiters. If anyone contacts you and says they are a Recruiter, hang up on them immediately. "     Why, Dad ?  "Just do it.  You don't want to be associated with them."   

That memory - the comment, the tone,..body language -  still gets me riled up to this day.   As recruiters, we face a negativity that is almost pre-existing and embedded in someone's belief system... not in everyone, though, fortunately.  

So, to add to the list of things I like LEAST about Recruiting... it would have to be when a candidate or client, hasn't bothered to question their own internal beliefs as to the reasons why think a certain way, already...

Such is life, I guess....    On a side note, I find it ironic that I've chosen this particular career path .... ! 

I would definitely agree with Dan on his points made. I would also like to add that I greatly dislike it when I prep a candidate for an interview and they go in and do the exact opposite. I'm a recruiter for a reason and I'm prepping you for a reason. Please listen and follow my advice.

I hate it when I allow myself to take short cuts. 

I hate it when I think I've covered something - and I really haven't and it turns out to be the thing I should have covered. 

I hate it when I go against my instincts and decide to do something anyway and it turns out I shouldn't have.

I hate it when I find myself "hoping" for something to happen - when deep down I know I have not put in the time - and don't have the numbers to be "owed" anything from my desk.

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