... me? 

We are a small IT agency (2.5 recruiters) and I'm curious if attending the SourceCon convention in Atlanta this winter is worth the time/costs. 

Would anyone that has attended previous SourceCons be willing to share their experiences, make suggestions, or weigh in on its overall value? 

Thanks gang! 

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It depends on what you are looking for. It's expensive. I think it's a fine place to network and possibly find new business and collaborators. (I will be there.) If you are looking to learn how to source, there are better options.

I have never been to a Sourcecon. 

Irina - No sourcing there?

Hi Lance,

I obviously think very highly of SourceCon but I am intimately involved :)

If you'd like me to connect you with a few of our past attendees, I'm more than happy to do so. We have many technical recruiters and sourcers that come and learn from the best. Send me an e-mail at lance@sourcecon.com and I can connect you.


Another Lance, from Portland, OR 

Thanks all.

I was wondering if it had value as a learning tool. I could see that it might present great networking opportunities, and I could also see that it could potentially inspire. But I really wanted to know if the cost and time would make me that much better of a sourcer. My knee jerk to things like this is, "No way", but it seems like a popular convention so I wanted to hear some collective wisdom.

Lance, I'll send you a note.

Thanks all,
Also Lance from Portland - the original. ;)

 Lance Davis,

Don't take me wrong, the conference always has some excellent speakers, and Lance Haun selects a good variety of topics to be covered. Conversations in the hallways are of incredible value since you hear exchange between experts who know of sourcing tools and trends.If you haven't been it can be a delightful experience. Nothing beats meeting people in person. Your employees would feel very appreciated. If you decide to go, I look forward to meeting you. :)

 Ryan Leary - it's a shame that you haven't been and of course there's sourcing. :)

Lance Davis: if you want to learn sourcing skills, the question is, what do you have in mind in terms of the company budget and the goals?  Feel free to ask me about some :) Google itself runs a Power searching class as well.


I went to the last one in Dallas and thought it was an excellent show. I would recommend ATL, especially if you have never been to a sourcecon.

Plus... I may be there, so you can come say hi.

Chris Russell said:

I went to the last one in Dallas and thought it was an excellent show. I would recommend ATL, especially if you have never been to a sourcecon.

Here's my topic that has been announced: "Dream Software" - hope to see you there. Irina

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