“Maureen, this is a very informative sourcing website! I have been following the chats and have applied the tips you have mentioned to my work as a Researcher/Sourcer. In short, thanks for sharing such valuable information! =)” ~ Gina

The Magic Method network is nearing 700 members and if you have an interest in learning how to telephone names source (and what sourcer worth his salt doesn't?) come join us on the MagicMethod network at noon EST.

Every Tuesday and Thursday we have a FREE one-hour noon classroom chat on the subject and if you've ever wondered what MagicMethod offers you can get a taste of it in the chat!

The network is ALIVE with valuable information, tips and techniques for today's equipped sourcer. Don't miss out - see you in class today!


“If you're not practicing, somebody else is, somewhere, and he'll be ready to take your job.” ~ Brooks Robinson

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