Free Webinar on How to Brand your HR and Recruiting Department Internally

How well perceived is recruiting and HR elsewhere in your organization? We thought it was an important enough topic that we got two recruiting and HR marketing experts together to present recommendations about it, and they agreed to make it a free to attend webinar. Join Bret Starr of (one of the most sought after mind on the topics of branding and marketing in our space) and I on Feb. 18 at 1pm USA EST (details at )

Geared to leaders of the talent function, VPs of HR and staffing directors, this session will show you how to market yourselves internally. You'll get strategic and practical advice like learning how to:

- market yourself internally as well as build a brand for your department across your organization
- use LinkedIn, Facebook, blogs, and RSS to manage your brand internally and externally in a way that will be noticed internally
- create and send an effective e-newsletter, beef up your profiles, join the right social networking groups, and use feeds to find relevant news in order to send a competitive report on a weekly basis to internal constituents

Pre-registration at is required. Hope to see you!

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Shally -

This is something my team and I have been struggling with quite a bit lately. I can't wait to see and hear what you and Bret have to say on Wednesday!



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