It’s been a week since the dust settled and I have caught up on my sleep and thoughts about the event. In my opinion it was a success and a real blueprint for how a certain aspect of the recruiting conference can play out.
I have been to a number of conferences over the last few years and though I see value in the layout of these events, I wanted something different. I wanted something that would encourage learning, communication, and the development of relationships through things other than just being in the same room with everyone. is a growing community and my plan is to keep it growing and part of this growth in my opinion has to be the cultivation of the many relationships that are growing daily on the website. RecruitFest! is a good way to do it in my opinion.
The 1st event did not disappoint.
We all descended on Toronto and from minute one, I could tell things would be interesting. It was amazing to see the faces when faced with a room filled with drums and percussion and energy. From there, the day just happened. No hiccups, no nothing that was going to ruin the day.
I was proud of the conference track leaders who were there. They were my first choices and I am happy they believed in me and the layout of the day I envisioned. I only had 60 days to put it together and really did a terrible job in promoting it locally. You live, you learn and you get better. Having said this, I was not at all disappointed with the turn out. We banged drums, we networked, we learned a whole lot, and we partied.
I want to thank everyone who attended and helped make it a success.
I am putting the final touches on the next RecruitFest! and want to wait until it is all in order before I officially announce it. So far, the people I would like to have lead tracks have all agreed and this time I have 7 months to make it happen and you have 7 months to plan for it. A much better plan in terms of timing I think.
I want to elevate the experience for all those who attend recruiting industry functions and I am confidant it can be done. See you in April. Thanks