Meet Marie Journey, Sourcing Enthusiast - "Listening Within A Constant Sea of Voices & Heard"

Marie Quotables: "A Sourcer brings much more than the ability to rattle off a complex Boolean string, a database of names, or niche product knowledge – A Sourcer is often the front line and first representation of a company. A Sourcer knows OFCCP inside and out. A Sourcer uses the finest tools at hand to create a talent pool. There are endless other examples of value that a Sourcer brings. We organize and use data to build relationships."

"Easy, you just help other people ... When people are needing food and mortgage money, there were no splits, no markers, and no thanks needed. Most never knew my hand was there at all. How did this help me? It didn’t in terms of money or recognition. It was priceless in terms of ability to break every previous personal production record, stretch my network a thousand-fold, and be in finest form for my next role."

RecruitingBlogs Profile
Marie Journey
• Sourcing Extraordinaire & Sweet Tea Enthusiast
• Location: Navarre, FL
• Community Volunteering: Volunteer at the local elementary school and helping women out of abusive situations.
• Personal Causes: Working with children that are wired differently, helping families of deployed military, and being there for women in need.
• Office: 678.779.6619
• Personal Email

Our mutual friend, Steve Rath, was kind enough to introduce me to Marie Journey and the more I inquired - the more I learned how many fellow travelers we have in our lives. Marie and I share the same ecosystem of sourcers to social networking enthusiasts and a passion for passing it forward. She is a rock star with10+ years recruiting experience, and contributed to talent development in five languages (Spanish, French, Portuguese, German, Japanese) in both Corporate as well as Agency Environments; working with one of the largest for profit organizations, Microsoft, as well as one of the largest non-profit organizations in the world, AIESEC. She has presented at Recruitfest 2009, been on on Jim Stroud’s Recruiters Lounge, and among fellow gurus as an attendee at each of the last two Sourcecon conferences. Marie is also one of the pioneers in video SEO for high demand reqs; she was able to get 1st Page Google, 1st Rank for key skill set within 48 hrs of launching the following video:

Q & A with Marie Journey

Six Degrees: Tell us of your home world.

MARIE: My world comprises of people I love that live with me, next to me, and all around the world. My feet are in Paradise AKA Navarre, FL. As far as family goes, if you can order sweet tea, it is likely one of my blood kin from my mother’s side is nearby. You’d have to travel the seas to encounter rest.

A sweet, chocolate eyed, mad scientist in the making that holds both Martin Luther King, Jr. and Albert Einstein close to his heart calls me Momma. His name is Julian age 7 and he is a miracle child many times over. A wild burst of energy, that flies across any ground and launches into my arms is Ian, age 6. Then there is Miss Kayla who will change the world for the better with her passion for science, animals, and justice that is age 10. Jared’s silence speaks loudly in the near constant sea of voices; he can sum up a person and motivators within seconds, age 8. Simply put, single mom of 1 and official back-up Daddy to 3 more when their father is deployed.

MARIE: All the children gather one evening every other week for a sit down meal and the Extreme Play Date begins: we build robots, conduct science experiments, fiercely debate merits of Pokemon, and dance to hundreds of random questions. In the rare moments of me time, I devour a book a day. When stress weighs too heavy or I need a bigger dose of escape, it is power tool time. Have a flare for blades and dying to get my hands on a 26 inch Katana to continue Japanese sword fighting lesions. Painting abstracts along with photography feeds the creative side. Checking out new apps is another favorite. Love all types of tools for creating be it an iPhone, Dremel, brush, or camcorder.

The future holds - a nonprofit called the League of Competent Woman that attracts strong ladies looking to make a positive change by promoting and protecting both women and children through changing/enforcing laws, providing an extensive network of resources, and mentoring.

Until my house remodel is complete and the greyhound rescue dog of my dreams comes home to us, my only pet is my laptop, Vixen. She is smoking hot and holds her own.

Six Degrees: How did you get started as a recruiter?

MARIE: I started 10+ years ago during my time at AIESEC, which was one of the largest non-profit orgs in the world second only to the Red Cross at the time. With AIESEC, there was International recruiting, business development, marketing, and a mission to better the world.

After AIESEC, I went on to be an international logistic consultant designing automotive factories in cool places like Brazil and Germany. 100% international travel, worked on multi-national project teams, learned a great deal about other cultures and business practices. Had fun reworking highly complex systems with thousands of variables, designing with AutoCAD in five languages, being humbled by the brilliance of great minds, and even got to dance with the Portelas @ Carnival in Rio. Why go back to recruiting?

When I returned to the United States for love, I had the opportunity to choose a different career path. Decided to return to recruiting and found that the career break helped me immensely by gaining skills sets that are often needed and hard to gather on the typical recruiting career path.

Six Degrees: What types of training in sourcing/recruitment are available to you and have you taken advantage of?

MARIE: For years, I have been absolutely relentless in the pursuit of sourcing/recruitment training. I have taken One on one training with National Sourcing Expert, Shally Steckerl. I could list out a couple of hundred, but generically –Taken massive training on OFCCP and even designed training manuals. Did every available session on Diversity and wrote several more training sessions. Any ATS used, I worked to become a super user at warp speed. Went outside of traditional recruiting/sourcing and took training on tech/marketing/system optimizations and courses that involved the current niche or sector of talent. Training is essential to know the law, the space, the MVPs, how to connect, how to present, and then how to close in shortest time possible.

Six Degrees: What single event had the most impact on your sourcing/recruiting career?

MARIE: The moment of silence from Shally, when he decided if I was serious or not and how to respond to my request for what I would like for him to teach me. Okay, he probably had the mute on and was laughing his back-side off, but he proceeded to first drill me on what I knew, tell me what I needed to learn, and ticked off points to help make it happen.

Do you have a mentor to whom you attribute your overall outlook on recruitment, capabilities, and/or model your career after?

MARIE: To survive your first week in recruiting you had better have a strong mentor or an example of a person that has it figured out. There are hundreds that have knowingly or unknowingly helped along the way. For recruiting/sourcing successes you can bank that one or more of the following were a factor (listed in alpha order by first name):

1. Barbara Marks – watched her flawlessly perform recruiting miracles and hiring manager interfacing magic for years. Generous of heart and would stop my desk for her anytime.
2. Burt Black – taught me tech recruiting, a multi-million dollar producer for over ten years, and has been a true friend to me for over 15 years.
3. Chandra Bodapati @ Egrabber - creates the tools that make me drool on myself.
4. Chris Havrilla – queen of empowerment, legend in the field, and always one of the 1st gen adopters of doable/usable tech.
5. Dave Copps – had me at AI app.
6. Eric Jaquith – listening to him is pure beneficial bliss to any recruiter or sourcer. If you need to “Miracle Grow” your system, he is the man with the plan.
7. Geoff Webb – geek that gets social networking, sourcing, and keeps the space lively. We are in the middle of a friendly yet fierce challenge:
8. Jeffrey Rosado, at Pensacolaco Computers – he opened the door and let me out of the box. Smartest guy in tech I’ve ever met, taught me how to get 1st page/top rank in Google (SEO Amazing Man), created Vixen (My smokin’ hot, voice activated laptop), and fully stocks my software addiction with professional grade product!
9. Jim Stroud – his reach is so vast in terms of training, involvement, and accomplishments; I am one of hordes that owe him credit.
10. Kay Kelison – brilliant social networking and researching talent and flat out one of my favorite people for talking shop with, future trends, or just about anything.
11. Marjorie Mancini of CVTracer – created an ATS that actually does what you need in recruiting with the fewest clicks possible. She has also been a light of inspiration. One woman that has done so much in this field!
12. Rob McIntosh – if you are in Sourcing you owe this man thanks.
13. Rodney Walden – Showed me stuff on InfoGist I didn’t know was possible, got me on to LinkedIN years ago, and always makes me laugh.
14. Shally Steckerl – gave the advice I needed to hear at just the right time.
15. Sharon Meyers – awes me with her sourcing talent in both the national and international space. This lady has to use a fire hose for her talent pipe.
16. Steve Rath – put together one of my favorite recruiting teams, forerunner in Sourcing 2.0, pays it forward, and I’ve had the pleasure of watching him be stellar in the industry for years.

Any mistakes made along the way have been 100% my own doing!

Six Degrees: (A) What other companies' recruiting operations do you admire or have heard are best-practice examples?

MARIE: Any shop that Rob McIntosh or Chris Havrilla is running.

(B) In what aspects are they superior?

MARIE: Rob can whip out Excel spreadsheets, PPT presentations, and flowchart his superior methods. Love the quantifying of what most would consider intangibles. Chris Havrilla is the finest cherry picker of talent and can create magic with her managing style and in depth understanding of how to be effective in not only today’s market, but tomorrow’s as well.

Six Degrees: What recent general news story or industry trend do you feel will have an impact on your work in the future? Why?

MARIE: As tech improves and people like Dave & Chandra come up with these groundbreaking, time saving sourcing tools…why do companies need “Sourcers”? A Sourcer brings much more than the ability to rattle off a complex Boolean string, a database of names, or niche product knowledge – A Sourcer is often the front line and first representation of a company. A Sourcer knows OFCCP inside and out. A Sourcer uses the finest tools at hand to create a talent pool. There are endless other examples of value that a Sourcer brings. We organize and use data to build relationships. Bring on the best Tech!

Six Degrees: Tell us about your broader involvement within the staffing industry:

MARIE: Attended both SourceCons and was asked to speak at RecruitFest! 2009.

Six Degrees: Can you detail how the recession has affected your particular industry niche? Has it effected your job or that of your fellow team members within the organization?

MARIE: When Microsoft has massive layoffs you know it is going to be a rough road. As a MS Prospecting Consultant via SearchWizards, I got the call right in time for Christmas of 2008 that the whole team was toasted effective December 30th. What was the experience like for a single mom, in Tech Recruiting, that has always worked? Well, having twins without an epidural in the Amazon would have been less painful and shocking. Like childbirth, I’m glad it is over, joyous at the bright future ahead, and will not be sending pictures/videos/or play by plays of the process.

Six Degrees: Aside from simply the generic term “Networking” what specific efforts have you made on your own behalf, or on behalf of colleagues to broaden your opportunities?

MARIE: Easy, you just help other people. I answered that question, “If you had to do your job for free would you do it?” Yes, I sure would and did within the week of being laid off. I went from recruiting on behalf of Microsoft to pipelining any viable jobs that were open.

It was fast and furious work and mostly done in stealth mode. When people are needing food and mortgage money, there were no splits, no markers, and no thanks needed. Most never knew my hand was there at all. How did this help me? It didn’t in terms of money or recognition. It was priceless in terms of ability to break every previous personal production record, stretch my network a thousand-fold, and be in finest form for my next role.

Six Degrees: Given your own Trial and Error experiences as a Networker, what advice do you have for your peers on what NOT to do?

MARIE: Never take complete credit for any success if there is the slightest possibility that you can share the credit with somebody else.

Six Degrees: What is your next career goal? What do you need to do to get there?

MARIE: Take a high need skill set, create a video campaign, work with corporate Marketing, and then track results for both recruiting and sales.
For example, if you Google:
“Hogan developers” job

The 1st Page and 1st Rank has been one of my videos from launch weeks ago until the moment of writing this. Jim Stroud was the first to introduce me to the idea of using video to reach candidates and has been teaching me the SEO and backend side of ranking.

Really wanted to work the SEO angle without any corporate branding or specific job to see what would happen in terms of rank as a control. Now the next goal is to add the corporate branding along with buy in and marketing resources in order to incorporate a much broader social networking strategy and own the space. Recruiting wins low cost renewable pipeline with shorter fills and less production loss. Marketing wins name recognition and increased revenue. All I need is company that likes the notion of prime market position

Using Your Geek Card Lately?

This profile is one in a series titled Monday Member Showcase. It was originally published on, a recruiting and HR community, where I am a featured contributor. To read the whole series please click here.

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Great Interview! Marie you truly are one of the best in the industry. You bring so much knowledge and enthusiasum to any project. I love working with and hope to do so again!
Great interview, Dave - as always!

To Marie - I was so excited when I saw that Dave was doing a profile on you -- I couldn't wait to read. Now I'm sitting here in shock from your kind words! One thing I do know is when I see a superstar -- and I definitely found that in you. I can't wait for the day when we get to work together again.
Great interview! If you have ever met Marie in person, her energy is off the charts! She is a veritable force of nature and wonderful industry influence. Keep doing your thing!
P.S. Great photo of you, Brian, Kay and Alecia!
Great interview! You truly are remarkable! You had me at the 4 kids portion (which is the number I have). Congratulations and I wish you much continued success!
Sharon, Quality Volume Queen of Candidate Dev, you always set the bar in any org. Hope 2010 is the year we are rocking it together again!

Sharon Jimenez Meyers said:
Great Interview! Marie you truly are one of the best in the industry. You bring so much knowledge and enthusiasum to any project. I love working with and hope to do so again!
Lady I'm here for you! Haven't flattered anybody since the age of 4. You are such an inspiration. :)

Chris Havrilla said:
Great interview, Dave - as always!

To Marie - I was so excited when I saw that Dave was doing a profile on you -- I couldn't wait to read. Now I'm sitting here in shock from your kind words! One thing I do know is when I see a superstar -- and I definitely found that in you. I can't wait for the day when we get to work together again.
Roooolll Tide Rolllll! Alex, you well know the secrete to sourcing/recruiting success starts with grits & a big heart. Lovin' the little one with the super cute hat.

Alex Putman said:
Great interview! You truly are remarkable! You had me at the 4 kids portion (which is the number I have). Congratulations and I wish you much continued success!
Carmen ~ Dave is amazing :) Y'all are really cooking with Crisco in Seattle! Congrats on & I'm trying to make the FREE webinar, Thursday December 10, 2009 10am PST (1pm EST).
P.S. Looking pretty snazzy yourself in red. Hope to head your way soon.

Carmen Hudson said:
Great interview! If you have ever met Marie in person, her energy is off the charts! She is a veritable force of nature and wonderful industry influence. Keep doing your thing!
P.S. Great photo of you, Brian, Kay and Alecia!
Cool! Thanks :)

Frank Abagnale Jr. said:
You are such an interesting lady, I never tire of talking with you and wish you nothing but the best.
Hated missing you @ Recruitfest. Where are you speaking at next? Love listenting to you! Appreciate all good thoughts and wishes sent my way.
You go, Marie! Great interview.

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