Sourcing Webinars: Do you want to learn about 1,000 ways to source?

My exchange with Jason about webinars has prompted me to post this discussion.

Since I started giving webinars in March, I've been thinking about how to make them worthwhile.
What I have heard from participants and from those who were interested (especially "Boolean Beginners"), is that one of their major problems in their practice is dealing with too much information. As an example, some people feel they cannot even start to source on Google because they need to learn "all" about the advanced operators and sites to X-ray before they do.
So what I am trying to do is to pick and choose a small subset of technologies that I know can work and create practical results for a sourcer (and I know this from my hands-on practice). I then encourage people to get their feet wet before they learn how to use more.

Of course, a beginner webinar like that may not serve a more advanced sourcer who wants to know and use multiple search and metasearch engines, all twitter sites that are out there, etc.

It seems to me that announcing talks on many, many technologies and sites has its marketing advantage for trainers who give them. People are drawn to come to a webinar that covers 10 times many more sites and costs the same as another one. What happens next for some participants, is that too much material is hard to absorb, so they may come back for more...

If you sign up for a webinar, what matters to you in terms of its content? Is it more interesting to hear about 1,000 ways to source or hear about 5 select ways to source that are likely to bring results? (Of course there paid and free webinars, and there's a question of cost as well; I am more interested to hear what the desired content might be.)

Thanks for your feedback,

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