Is it a good idea to add a list of profile links along with a resume submission? Will hiring managers want to see that? At least a LinkedIn profile link perhaps?
Will resumes become obsolete in their current form?

Please take a look at my ERE article and let me know what you think.
Will Resumes Become Obsolete?

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This is pretty interesting! Thanks for your stories.

Sandra McCartt said:
I am hearing a lot of push back about candidates who are over "social networked". Many of the larger companies that i work for are tightening their policies about internet and personal email/chat. One of my "crustier" hiring managers just told me not to send him any "internet addicts". Mentioned that he was not at all interested in serial bloggers or those who had 500 contacts or internet friends on Linked In. I have started checking Linked In profiles before i send resumes and doing a google search to see what's out there. In case of fire i want an opportunity to put it out if possible in case an HM does the same. If the LInked In profile looks good without a lot of cyber pals i send a follow up email with the link to the candidate profile.

Did just have a situation where my HM checked out the candidate profile, noticed one of the candidates connections in the same industry, contacted the connection and hired him because he was closer. So it can be a double edged sword.

I have also had some strong words from HRM concerning making candidates aware that "texting, twittering and tweeting" during working hours is not going to be tolerated. HR will spot check twitter and will follow employees to see how much company time and information is being twittered during working hours.

With innovation and communication comes a whole new subset of policies and problems.
No, I don't think they'll become obsolete. We are obsessed with LinkedIn, but no one else really is outside of HR. I've found that hiring managers don't want to chase links. They don't care about social media profiles (except of course for a social media job). They want to see where someone has worked, where they went to school, what they did and who knows of them. I think we make things much more complicated than they need to be when we start sending links.

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