Ross Clennett's Blog (32)

Why crap interviewers don't know they are crap

Most people who conduct recruitment interviews have never been trained in how to interview effectively. Yet this lack of training doesn't stop these interviewers from believing that they have good interview skills and don't need any training.
It's called confirmation bias eg 'I hired Gavin and he turned out to be a winner'. A view that is rarely…

Added by Ross Clennett on May 13, 2015 at 5:00am — No Comments

Why most small recruitment agencies stay small

Our industry is one that is dominated by small recruitment agencies. Yet, I would imagine that most of the owners of these small agencies would like to grow if they could grow profitably. Unfortunately much of the growth, if it does occur is not profitable growth.

The Recruitment Industry Benchmarking (RIB) Report has 126 members across Australia and New Zealand and states an…


Added by Ross Clennett on November 26, 2014 at 6:36pm — 2 Comments

What I learned from my son's first recruitment experience

Last week was a momentous one in my life: My eldest son, Guy, was offered his first job. Then twenty four hours later he was offered another job.


Given what I have dedicated my working life to, it has been a fascinating experience to observe the process of my own child attempting to enter the workforce for the first…


Added by Ross Clennett on November 13, 2014 at 5:36pm — No Comments

Recruitment tenders and PSAs: Please get out of your own way!

I'm right! Yes, it does happen occasionally. 

I now have substantial evidence from a highly credible global consulting firm that supports one of my more common rants; the ludicrous waste of time and money that a vast number of tenders and Preferred Supplier Agreements (PSAs) prove to be

Wasteful recruitment tender and PSA processes are one of my pet hates, and I am willing to bet my house on the fact that they are also a very big hate of many recruiters. 



Added by Ross Clennett on November 6, 2014 at 6:21pm — No Comments

Global staffing industry sales top $400 billion

The recent RCSA (Australia and New Zealand) International Conference held in Queenstown, New Zealand had a variety of industry speakers and one of the most interesting was Barry Asin, the President of Staffing Industry Analysts who, as the name suggests, compile data and undertake research on the staffing (recruitment) industry on…


Added by Ross Clennett on October 16, 2014 at 7:49pm — 1 Comment

How many interviews does it take to hire top talent?

At the Australasian Talent Conference held in Sydney last month, I attended an interesting break-out session on the future of interviewing and whether assessment would make interviews redundant. 

The panel made plenty of interesting points in response to questions and comments. Unsurprisingly nobody was predicting the end of interviews any time soon. 

One of…


Added by Ross Clennett on June 11, 2014 at 9:00pm — 1 Comment

Big Biller: Valuable enough for a slice of your equity pie?

Last year I was coaching a newly acquired client of mine. As the sole owner of a small but very successful agency, she was working with me on various strategies to capitalise on her recent growth. 

She has a team of six relatively successful consultants. Three of those have been employed long term with her. One of those consultants was easily the biggest biller of the…


Added by Ross Clennett on June 5, 2014 at 6:00am — 2 Comments

Competence drives confidence

When have you been most confident at work, in any job? 

I strongly suspect it was when you had a high level of competence in that job. 

I recently had reason to recall the start of my recruitment agency career, in London twenty five years ago. I was twenty two years old. I was working in an office for the first time. I was living out of home for the first time. I was resident in a country that was not my own. I was in a job that I had zero previous experience in…


Added by Ross Clennett on May 27, 2014 at 7:08am — No Comments

Headhunting: Unethical or a necessary part of a competitive job market?

Two very interesting and relevant US court cases were settled in the past three weeks involving anti-competitive behavior, namely no-headhunting agreements between large and high profile publicly listed companies. 

In the most high profile case, four massive tech firms (Google, Apple, Adobe and Intel) who were the defendants in a class action suit, agreed to a…


Added by Ross Clennett on May 13, 2014 at 4:30am — 4 Comments

Working in a recruitment agency: How realistic should videos be?

There's an old recruitment joke that's been doing the rounds for years about a recently deceased HR Manager (insert lawyer, management consultant etc) arriving at the Pearly Gates and being given a tour of Heaven and Hell with a view to choosing where they wish to…


Added by Ross Clennett on April 3, 2014 at 8:00am — 1 Comment

How fools recruit: 'I'll know them when I meet them'

No matter how far we think businesses have come with respect to recruitment and employment practices, there are always plenty of reminders that old habits die hard. 

One of these old habits is the classic client response to a recruiter who requests a job description; ‘I don't need a job description, I'll know them when I meet them'

This would be…


Added by Ross Clennett on March 20, 2014 at 7:30pm — 3 Comments

Is Your Candidate Just Very Confident or Are They Really a Charismatic Narcissist?

Having conducted over three thousand interviews, mainly with accounting staff of all levels of skill from accounts clerks to CFOs, I became very used to minimising the charisma factor in an interview. From hard experience I…


Added by Ross Clennett on January 23, 2014 at 8:00pm — 1 Comment

Why Candidates Decline Job Offers (And What To Do About It)

Every recruiter has had, or will have, the experience of a candidate declining a job offer, contrary to everything the candidate has said or done up until that point. 

This is a very expensive failure of your recruitment process because at the time of the offer you have completed around 95% of the necessary work and have collected (if you are a contingent…


Added by Ross Clennett on January 13, 2014 at 8:00pm — 10 Comments

How Law & Order teaches you better interviewing skills

‘Objection! Leading the witness! 

‘Objection! Speculation!' 

‘Objection! Relevance?' 

These lines are classic courtroom interjections I have heard in movie and TV dramas for as long as I can remember. 

It's all designed to create greater dramatic tension. How true is it all to real life in a US courtroom? I don't know, as I have never been in one but I certainly enjoy watching the fictionalised courtrooms that the characters in the various…


Added by Ross Clennett on November 2, 2013 at 10:35pm — No Comments

Key Selection Criteria: When less is more

Malcolm Gladwell's book, Blink: the power of thinking without thinking, (Penguin, 2005) provided me with some fantastic insights highly relevant for recruiters, specifically when Gladwell explores the ‘less is more' syndrome.

Gladwell asserts that in certain circumstances, receiving more information about an issue can cause you to become more inaccurate or ineffective in your response to, or conclusions about, that issue with a corresponding increase in your…


Added by Ross Clennett on January 24, 2013 at 4:30pm — No Comments

The grass is not greener: Why star recruits rarely shine

If you're a top biller and you wonder whether the grass might be greener on the other side, the evidence is likely to have you recommit to your current employer.


Here's why:


Recently Harvard Business Review published an article based on detailed research over seven years into the…


Added by Ross Clennett on January 15, 2013 at 5:54am — 2 Comments

Lessons from Linkedin's Reid Hoffman: The future's in network literacy

In The Start Up of You by Reid Hoffman & Ben Casnocha (Crown Business, 2012) the real gold is in Chapter 7. The chapter opens thus: 

A decade ago, Bill Gates wrote: 'The most meaningful way to differentiate your company from your competition, the best way to put distance between you and the crowd, is to do an outstanding job with information. How you gather, manage and use information will determine whether you win or…


Added by Ross Clennett on August 9, 2012 at 7:30am — 1 Comment

Do you have a business development culture?

A common question I am asked when I coach a recruitment agency owner is 'what do the best and most profitable agencies do better than other agencies?'
There are a number of things that make the best ones stand out but certainly one of the most important is having a business development culture.
The most profitable) recruitment agencies have a culture of accountability and business development which serves them well in good times (they…

Added by Ross Clennett on May 15, 2012 at 1:04am — No Comments

The Steve Jobs way: Seven lessons in business leadership

Having spent a couple of days of my holidays reading the Steve Jobs biography I couldn't help but reflect on the remarkable accomplishments of the man and the lessons applicable for business owners everywhere, big or small.


This could have been a very long list, but here are the seven things that are most strongly front of mind for me (text is paraphrased and quoted from the book Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson, Simon & Schuster, 2011).


1)   …


Added by Ross Clennett on April 12, 2012 at 3:00am — 1 Comment

Candidate interviews: the dud KPI

When I am running my Building a Profitable Desk workshop and it comes around to the discussion of High Pay-Off Activities (or KPIs, if you prefer), I will inevitably have a participant nominate ‘interviews' as a high pay-off activity.


When I disagree, there is often a slight pause and then this look of confusion appears on the face of one or more participants. To those recruiters I am sure it seem like I'm slightly odd - I…


Added by Ross Clennett on January 16, 2012 at 4:16am — No Comments


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